Sunday, 17 April 2011

I know I know I know...I ramble too much

Kso, here I am again, yes this is another BTR post but I don't give a flying monkey, no one even comments so I don't care its a place for me to... express myself? Yeah, express myself, anyways I have gone total BTR crazy, I'm going to go out and buy their cd soon as well as their first season, I am following all four of them on twitter, and I added Logan and Kendall as a friend on youtube ^_^, if you want to add me on youtube my account name is TeamxXSeth, I made it in Mayish of 2010 and I loved Twilight than... don't hate, also if you want to contact me, you can add me on facebook if you'd like @ Jael-Jace CinderClan or on Twitter I am Alado14, those aren't my real life accounts, besides the Youtube one, but if I know you and you aren't a total stalker I will add you to my real one ;) And I'm also sending a letter to them, I'm wondering if they are coming to my city, if they are that would be totally amazing :) Also, again IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS FOR ME COMMENT IT SEEMS NO ONE HAS..


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