Javan Tiger, Thylacine, Dodo, Passenger Pigeon, Carribean Monk Seal, Steller's Sea Crow, Aurochs, Elephant Bird, Woolly Mammoth, Dusky Seaside Sparrow.
*Notice how some of these you may have not heard of!*
*I've never heard of any of these, have you?*
List of critically endangered species:
Mountain Gorilla, Bactrian Camel, Ethiopian Wolf, Saiga, Takhi, Kakapo, Arakan Forest Turtle, Sumatran Rhinoceros, Javan Rhino, Brazilian Merganser, Axolotl, Leatherback Sea Turtle, Nothern White Rhinoceros, Gharial, Vaquita, Phillippine Eagle, Brown Spider Monkey, California Condor, Island Fox, Black Rhinoceros, Chinese Alligator
*Look how many there are! D:*Endangered Species:
*No, this is not right..these animals shouldn't be close to exctintion*
Vulnerable Species- animals at a high risk of becoming endangered:
African Elephant, Cheetah, Gaur, Lion, Sloth Bear, Dugong, Polar Bear, Indian Rhinoceros, Komodo Dragon, Great White Shark, Hippopotamus, Mandrill, Fossa
*This is sad, I had no idea there were this many...*
Near threatened species-may be considered threatened in the near future:
This is just horrible! The list goes on and on! These are just the highly known! But, Earth Day was just a couple days ago and there are some things, as humans, you can do! Recycle! Don't drive *or get your parents too drive you* to places that you can just walk/bike too! Unplug your electronics when you are done using them! Did you know that a hairdryer plugged into the wall that isn't being used can take up energy? And a toaster takes up more energy than a laptop. A toaster! People the Earth isn't going to keep surviving if you don't take notice. Global Warming! It's happening and you need to understand that you can't just put off everything, animals aswell as people are being harmed by these changes. You can help, so try!
These are the pictures of the animals if you didn't know what they are:
Picture 1: Giant Panda
Picture 2: Dodo Bird
Picture 3: Ethiopian Wolf
Picture 4: Dugong
Picture 5: Dohl
Picture 6: Striped Hyena
OMG its so sad about how many animals in the world are close to extinction and extinct!!! :'(
ReplyDeleteI know and the main reason if due to us humans D:
ReplyDeleteI know! </3