Okay, the poll is still running on for my next post but I
need to do this post. Family fairness. Is your family fair? Mine can be, since I live on a reservation and I am fifteen all I have to say is "
Mom, I'm going out on the rez." And she will just say, "
Alright, be home before dinner." It may seem like she doesn't care what I do but really she does. Though sometimes I feel like she treats my brothers better. I mean I have 8 siblings but only my oldest brother, my third oldest brother, and my twin brother live with me. Sometimes I don't find it fair! I mean, she let my brother skip school today and go to a soccer tourny even though he may or may not be playing and made me go to school, though really I didn't mind. She also took away both of our cell phones the day before we had Spring Break.... FOUR WEEKS AGO! I am soooo angry at her for that! I mean I used to
live on my phone! But low-and-behold she gives my twin his phone back two weeks later and I STILL DON'T HAVE MINE!!!!! She said, "
Oh, Brendan does housework well all you do is go on the computer!" THAT'S ALL LIES. I mean I
know I'm always on the computer but I've done housework
all Spring Break! I mean, I did the dishes five times in one week while my brother was off galivanting around the rez with his bestfriend. STILL NOT FAIR. And I grabbed my cell and than my mom found it and was like "
Give me that!" Gosh sometimes I feel so loved. But other times she will treat me way better than my three brothers put together, like if we are out together she will buy me atleast 5 different things and we will go out for lunch and than get an ice cream while my brother gets nothing. *Grin* Sigh, life is so complicated at times...

And just now I asked for it back, and her reply "No you can't have it back, I'm using it." Me, "It's my phone." Her reply, "I pay for it." Mine, "So, you gave Brendan back his damn phone!" Again her reply, "He earned it." Me, "God your annoying sometimes." Yeah I know it may seem a tad mean but I'm a teen, tell me one person who has not talked to their parents before? Especailly when she takes something away that's mine.
(By the way, my phone looks exactly like that but with the purple case thingy)
My family is quite fair except that my younger sister is EXTREMELY spoiled! She got her first cell phone in 3rd grade{I got mine in 5th}, she got her first laptop in 6th grade{I got mine in 8th}, and all other crap that my youngeer sister gets when I get it.
ReplyDelete{As you can probably tell, I'm two years older than my younger sister.}
LOL That sucks, I got my first iPod a year after my twin but when he got his I got a camera and I go on the computer the longest but since my brother is gone until Monday (yay!) I'm being spoiled, my mom went out and she came back with things for me XD