Kay, so I was hanging out with my cousins; Jayden, Curtis, Hector, Tyler, Jessica, Jarrett, and Dakota and Dakota had two kids from school over, Darian and Zack. The thing is we were playing "Football tag." Our little game we made up where we run around Curt's house and his grandma's while one person is trying to tag the others with the foam football, anyways Curtis was it and was like balling on me the whole time, trying to get me since I wasn't it yet and I stopped running when everyone else stopped. Anyways, I guess Darian who is like 11 pushed Jayden to the ground or something, I didn't see. But Jayden got up, picked Darian up and like through him to the ground, I could hear them, but I didn't really see it, I grabbed Jayden and started flipping on him while Darian stormed off, walking down the this trail towards Dakota's house -even though there are
two cougars around!- I flipped on Jayden and Zack, Jessica, and Dakota informed me that Jayden has recently been in a fight with this Zack and his brother. I'm like
Seriously? He's like 12! Jayden shrugged and went to go freak out on Darian and laugh at him. I was so mad I grabbed Tyler who is 13 or 14 and we took a shortcut I ran fullspeed down this big hill and almost wiped out, I shoved Jayden out of the way and stopped Darian from walking, (HE IS SO CUTE, like adorable, not attractive ways, with his chubby cheeks and his long flippy hair XD) anyways I stopped him and persuaded him to come with me... that was until ALL THE NOSEY NATIVES CAME TO SEE WHAT WAS GOING ON. My cousins asked what was wrong and all that stuff but I told him to ignore them so we went to the park near the trail and yet Zack and Jayden were still bullying him! I told them to stop and I flipped out on them and I was like
Guys, grow up! Really? Your going to act like your 8? Jayden, you are not tough, you can try to fight but you always end up losing. Knock it off. That pissed off Jayden so much, he tried picking me up and throwing me down but, he did it wrong. My stance was strong and I just stood there while he looked like a panzie, sorry for the names, just really aggitated. Anyways they kept making fun of Darian and calling him "Mini Ballz" and poking him threw the fence while he just sat there, digging a whole in the rocks. I felt so bad but I blame it all on Zack. He was antagonizing Darian and telling Jayden to poke him and too throw wood chips at him, I felt so helpless since everytime I told them to leave him alone they would jeer at me and act all
Boss. Man if I could just slap a little kid for a day I would slap that stupid smirk off of Zack's face. It sounds harsh but I really dislike bullying! Two wrongs don't make a right! Darian may have started it but Jayden didn't need to continue it and I know there is still bullying going on at the moment! I mean seriously, why can't everyone just... welll chilax!
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