I kind of forgot to tell all of you's about my family. We are a crazy bunch, I am the brat, I usually am the one arguing with my mom, or one of my many brothers, mainly Barry 'cause he irritates me a lot :3
My mom: My mom is pretty chill. She spoils me if we are out together and my brother's not there. She's fun, and in her 40's almost 50 yet she loves to have fun.
My dad: I don't know my dad, he left when I was I think 4 years old, I'm not sure. If I saw him there are words that aren't to kind that I'd say but he texts my brother and everything and my oldest brothers don't like him, but really I don't care, I don't know him I won't judge.
My step dad: I love my step dad a lot. He has been there for me since I've been 4 years old, he isn't my real dad but he's way better than him. He spoils me a lot, more than Brendan. He and my mom are divorced and he lives on the Island but I visit him sometimes. I like being with him, he's really fun to be around.
Barry: Barry's my oldest brother, he's I think 28, I can't remember though he's the oldest. He is also the most immature and he irritates me a lot. I am always seen arguing with him but at times we get along, like when I stayed up 'til 7am he wanted to watch a movie with me and hangout, he can sometimes be nice but other times is very demanding and sort of a bully. He also has a very... colorful vocabulary, lol. He's from my mom's side and he's my half brother.
Shawn: I think Shawn is my second oldest brother, I'm not really sure how old he is but he's in his 20's maybe 25 or 24 I don't know. He's from my real dad's side and is my half brother. He's really cool, and I think my richest brother. I love hanging out with him 'cause he's like a big kid. I went ziplining with my and Brendan and it was actually really fun. I don't really see him much though.
Chantel: Don't know how old she is but she's my half sister and Shawn's full sister. She's from my real dad's side and she's a party animal. She's in her 20's. I'm pretty sure she lives in Calgary, I don't see her much.
Jerry: Jerry is my cool brother, he always gives me money and he loves me xD though at times he can be grumpy, especially when he gets home from work. He's Barry's full brother and he's from my mom's side. He's my half brother. He's in his 20's.
Aaron: Aaron is my step brother. He's a goofball and my mom doesn't really like him, I don't know why, I think it's 'cause he's immature. He has a son who is really adorable. I don't see him to to much but more than Shawn and Chantel. He is also in his 20's.
Adele: She's my step sister. She is a girly girl and is very funny 'cause she's kind of clumsy. Brendan, Aaron, and I are always teasing her. She works as a nurse and she's older than Aaron but in her 20's.
Roberto: He is my cousin but he lived at my house for a few years and he calls my mom 'Mom' and me 'Little sis' again he is in his 20's and he is a goofball. He plays on the men's soccer team with Brendan and is always watching out for us. I consider him as a brother.
Brendan: He is my clean-freak, obnoxious, weird twin brother. He is the only one of my siblings that aren't in their twenties and that I am fully related too. Sometimes we get along but other times we fight. He picks on me a lot since he is a dude and is bigger than me. Weirdly we broke our collarbones a year apart but opposite bones. He is a jerk at times.. a lot of times, but can be really sweet.... sometimes.
Bridget: Me. I am Brendan's twin sister and I am quite weird. I guess I am an antoganizer. I love to argue with my brothers and prove a point, I live in a houes with my mom and three brothers Barry, Jerry, and Brendan. I'm crazy, especially in gym and somewhat of a flirt -so I've been told- I've also been told I'm kind, nice, and I help out a lot. Though really, I do believe I can be mean...I mean, only to people who diss me, my family, my cousins, my race, or my friends. I rage a lot... and I get weird obsessions everytime though surprisingly after two weeks my obsession is still the same :3
Shade: He is my 6 month old kitten. He's kind of.. slow in the mind but is very cute. He loves to scratch and some people think I'm emo 'cause all of the scratches. He is obsessed with this balloon string and will actually spin around for hours with it. He thinks he's a dog.
Gene: He is my 4 or 5 year old yellow lab cross mastiff. My mom says he is racist since he doesn't like dark skinned people. I find that very mean, but he also doesn't like people with beards, hats, hoodies, or sunglasses on. He acts mean and his bark is scary but he's actually a real scaredy cat. He's afraid of everything lol. He has a tendency to run away and all the way to my uncle's house where he used to live, it's five minutes away if you walk.
Saturday, 30 April 2011
Thursday, 28 April 2011
I am really bored and I was hoping to post while I was eating homemade turkey soup which I made :3 Yes I can cook and yes I'm an avid baker but that is not the point. Anyways I was hoping to create a post and than my mind went blank. What shall I post? I pondered about that for a few short moments while I listened to the tv brodcaster for the hockey game rambel about Alex Burrows. Who cares? I don't. Anyways, I could think of anything to write so I need a suggestions. Feel free to comment! :3 Oh, and by the way. The dance was last night for our school. Right after school I went to my best friend's house and we got ready and left at 6:20pm to pick up her boyfriend.. well the boy she likes who I didn't know. Well my crush didn't go, he messaged me saying "I'm so sorry, I can't make it. I bought a ticket but I don't have a ride :(" Of course I was a little disappointed but I had fun hiding from the red-head boy who likes me, in the end, at the last song, the slow song while I was pushing my little Korean friend who I love! To this boy who's my friend, the red-head asked me. I would've rather danced with my crush but oh well, I think we're going to the movies together tomorrow... hopefully :3
Tuesday, 26 April 2011
Okay, I'm not a huuuugee hockey fan but if I had to pick a team I'd have to stick to my promise to Trevor Linden, an old Canucks player. I'd cheer for his team :3 Tonight they played against Blackhawks (Have to say my 2nd favourite team) and Canucks won! Alex Burrows scored the game-winning game. Now... my oldest brother is shaving his to a mullet for celebration... weird? I know, my family is like that. BUT I want to know your favourite team and what your crazy family does if their hockey team wins! I know, this post isn't long but I enjoy is :3
^^ Yes, this is me and my twin brother :)
This is Trevor Linden, before he retired :3 ~~~~>
<~~ Patrick Sharp, Blackhawks :)
Sunday, 24 April 2011
You've asked for it so now you have it. Animals. Who doesn't love them? I bet there isn't anyone in the world that dislikes animals. There has to be one animal that everyone likes! But.. some animals are going extinct due to us! Humans! Before greenhouse gases and global warming species were able to survive in their natural habitat, however the rapid increase of climate change has put animals at risk of becoming extinct! There are a lot of reasons why animals are going exctinct but a lot have pointed to climate change as the main source. Species are no longer able to survive and their kind starts to decline. These are a list of animals that are exctinct all together:
Javan Tiger, Thylacine, Dodo, Passenger Pigeon, Carribean Monk Seal, Steller's Sea Crow, Aurochs, Elephant Bird, Woolly Mammoth, Dusky Seaside Sparrow.
*Notice how some of these you may have not heard of!*
This is a list of endangered species in the wild, there may be some in captivity but not in the wild: Hawiian Crow, Whyoming Toad, Soccoro Dove, Red-tailed Black Shark, Scimitar Oryx, Catarina Pupfish
Dhole, Blue Whale, Asian Elephant, Giant Panda, Snow Leopard, African Wild Dog, Green Sea Turtle, Malayan Tapir, Tiger, Steller's Sea Lion, Phillippine Eagle, Markhor, Bornean Orangutan, Grevy's Zebra, Tasmanian Devil
Blue-billed Duck, Solitary Eagle, American Bison, Jaguar, Maned Wolf, Tiger Shark, Southern White Rhinoceros, Okapi, African Grey Parrot, Striped Hyena, Narwhal
Javan Tiger, Thylacine, Dodo, Passenger Pigeon, Carribean Monk Seal, Steller's Sea Crow, Aurochs, Elephant Bird, Woolly Mammoth, Dusky Seaside Sparrow.
*Notice how some of these you may have not heard of!*
*I've never heard of any of these, have you?*
List of critically endangered species:
Mountain Gorilla, Bactrian Camel, Ethiopian Wolf, Saiga, Takhi, Kakapo, Arakan Forest Turtle, Sumatran Rhinoceros, Javan Rhino, Brazilian Merganser, Axolotl, Leatherback Sea Turtle, Nothern White Rhinoceros, Gharial, Vaquita, Phillippine Eagle, Brown Spider Monkey, California Condor, Island Fox, Black Rhinoceros, Chinese Alligator
*Look how many there are! D:*Endangered Species:
*No, this is not right..these animals shouldn't be close to exctintion*
Vulnerable Species- animals at a high risk of becoming endangered:
African Elephant, Cheetah, Gaur, Lion, Sloth Bear, Dugong, Polar Bear, Indian Rhinoceros, Komodo Dragon, Great White Shark, Hippopotamus, Mandrill, Fossa
*This is sad, I had no idea there were this many...*
Near threatened species-may be considered threatened in the near future:
This is just horrible! The list goes on and on! These are just the highly known! But, Earth Day was just a couple days ago and there are some things, as humans, you can do! Recycle! Don't drive *or get your parents too drive you* to places that you can just walk/bike too! Unplug your electronics when you are done using them! Did you know that a hairdryer plugged into the wall that isn't being used can take up energy? And a toaster takes up more energy than a laptop. A toaster! People the Earth isn't going to keep surviving if you don't take notice. Global Warming! It's happening and you need to understand that you can't just put off everything, animals aswell as people are being harmed by these changes. You can help, so try!
These are the pictures of the animals if you didn't know what they are:
Picture 1: Giant Panda
Picture 2: Dodo Bird
Picture 3: Ethiopian Wolf
Picture 4: Dugong
Picture 5: Dohl
Picture 6: Striped Hyena
Thursday, 21 April 2011
Family Fairness
And just now I asked for it back, and her reply "No you can't have it back, I'm using it." Me, "It's my phone." Her reply, "I pay for it." Mine, "So, you gave Brendan back his damn phone!" Again her reply, "He earned it." Me, "God your annoying sometimes." Yeah I know it may seem a tad mean but I'm a teen, tell me one person who has not talked to their parents before? Especailly when she takes something away that's mine.
(By the way, my phone looks exactly like that but with the purple case thingy)
Monday, 18 April 2011
Okay guys, I have a topic that I think almost anyone can relate too! The thing is... I need help. My crush and I are going to the last school dance but the thing is two other guys wanted to go with me. What should I do? Also, I'm not a girly girl, but I found this really cute blue strapless dress, should I wear it even though the dance is Jungle theme or wear my regular skinny jeans and a sequin top? Lawl, being a teen can be hard sometimes...
Now I want to hear what you have to say! :D
Sunday, 17 April 2011
♦♥Alado/Shade Henderson-Schmidt♥♦
Just some words that I think describe me, some I am only joking with ;)
Amazing ;)
loser :)
awesome ^_^
annoying ;D
down-right-adorable ;) LOL
only-Alado ;)
Skittles. Don't know what else to put
magical -don't you wish you were me :D-
Goals Before I Die
1. Zipline in the jungle, I already have Whistler checked off my list!
2. Go skydiving
3. Sing with Inez Jasper4. Publish atleast one of my books
5. Meet Colbie Caillat6. Try to be famous... somehow
7. Meet my perfect someone
8. Have a song dedicated to me
9. Try to meet all of my blogger friends
10. Go to Greece! Sadly my school is going for spring break in 2012 but the cost is $3000!
11. Get an award in something12. Get my head out of the clouds
14. Raise $100,000 for Cancer, many reasons why...
15. Meet. Big. Time. Rush.
Okay, those are my 15 goals I thought of at the moment, I'd LOVE to hear what you're 15 goals are! :)
Okay, I am lacking on ideas of posts, again. I. NEED. COMMENTS. I haven't he slightest clue on what to talk about. I've been talking about Big Time Rush on my last posts, this is also going to contain BTR talk but just to say that I've stopped talking about them on my posts! Yeah... this is where you cheer.. Anyways, the picture you see has a sign meaning No BTR, but I still love 'em... just not on anymore of my posts *grin* But I need suggestions on what to talk about. Anyone have any input?.... anyone?
I know I know I know...I ramble too much
Kso, here I am again, yes this is another BTR post but I don't give a flying monkey, no one even comments so I don't care its a place for me to... express myself? Yeah, express myself, anyways I have gone total BTR crazy, I'm going to go out and buy their cd soon as well as their first season, I am following all four of them on twitter, and I added Logan and Kendall as a friend on youtube ^_^, if you want to add me on youtube my account name is TeamxXSeth, I made it in Mayish of 2010 and I loved Twilight than... don't hate, also if you want to contact me, you can add me on facebook if you'd like @ Jael-Jace CinderClan or on Twitter I am Alado14, those aren't my real life accounts, besides the Youtube one, but if I know you and you aren't a total stalker I will add you to my real one ;) And I'm also sending a letter to them, I'm wondering if they are coming to my city, if they are that would be totally amazing :) Also, again IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS FOR ME COMMENT IT SEEMS NO ONE HAS..
Saturday, 16 April 2011
Okay, I feel... like ranting since I was talking to my friends but they had to go, so I'm left alone with my thoughts, and when I'm alone I think to much, but I have a very interesting... fact? Well it's interesting for me, for my birthday I wished for love when I blew out my candles and guess what? I found it, a day after I fell inlove with BTR, and a day after that, I had some sparks with a boy that will be left un-named. ;) Ah, it's not interesting but I find it very odd, and yes, I am a crazy person who does believe in love even at a young age, if you don't like it, once again don't read. I don't need any haters, though I love it when people read these and it doesn't seem anyone has, but oh well. It's a place where I can vent. Lol. AGAIN I WANT QUESTIONS, you can ask me anything within reason, meaning, NOTHING. INAPPROPRIATE. Okay, I'm outtie, bye guys :)

Friday, 15 April 2011
Obsessions && Advice

Okay, hey guys. This is a blog about me. Alado, or Shade, though I prefer Alado since that's my "name" and Shade is my kittens name. This blog doesn't have to be popular and people don't have to read it, but if you do, you will find a lot of interesting things about my life. For instance, right now. At the moment, I am quite upset. My mind wonders a lot in the night, and it's 1am. And at 1am my mind wonders off to dark places, for example I always think the worst of everything even though it's not. I'm not a dark person, only at night. ;) But the moon does crazy things to people, eh? <~~ Yes I am Canadian, doesn't mean I say "eh?" all the time or ride on moose and live in igloos. Again at the moment, my mind is still wondering. I'm listening to Stuck by Big Time Rush. A little weakness of mine. Yes they are on a kids television show and yes I'm obsessive but they are almost in their twenties, so I'm allowed to be "in love" so I say. Sorry, I tend to rant. Another bad habit of mine.
1. I have 5 brothers and 2 sisters. I have a twin brother and he is the only of my full siblings. The rest are iether half or step though I have a cousin who I consider a brother, making it a total of 8 siblings.
2. I am Canadian and I live on the west coast.
3. I am first nations, as well as spanish, irish, and swedish. 6. I live on a reservation, yes like on the Twilight movie, though I do not turn into a wolf, though I am in the Wolf Clan.
7. I am fifteen and not the smartest of grade nines.
8. I stick up for my friends. You have a problem with any of my cousins, family members, or friends, you have a problem with me.
9. I tend to help with people with advice. You don't like my advice? Don't talk to me about you're problems, though all the times I love to help.
10. Hmm... don't know. I have a kitten named Shade and a dog named Gene.
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