I guess there's nothing up with me. The Shade dying bit was just me overreacting. Yes, I thought my cat was going to die, but I'm a drama queen. He was A-OK and I'm just a paranoid tard. Yes, a tard. Other then that, nothing's new I guess. I still hate my English teacher, I honestly can't stand her. My science teacher is an a-hole and I hate him, because well... I hate basically everybody! Yay!
I'm also in love with two new celebrities.. if that's what you want to call them. Thomas Dekker, from The Secret Circle♥ and Joey Rozmus from The Real World: Cancun. Well I'm more in love with Thomas Dekker's character, Adam Conant, more then the actual actor. Weird. They have two absolute different personalities. Adam is a sweet, protective, and loving guy, who also happens to love two girls. His girlfriend and the new girl. While, Joey is a jerk, he hates stuck-up girls, and he's sarcastic and rude! I love him still :3.
What I actually came to do was post pictures I have edited from my many (18) roleplay accounts! Here they are:
[Thomas Dekker as Adam Conant! ♥]
Saturday, 22 October 2011
Saturday, 1 October 2011
Catching Up
Look, I know I haven't been active, and I know no one has been on this site. You know how I know? I'm magical.
Well, besides the fact that my teenage girl brain is disfunctional when it comes to the opposite sex, yes guys. It's all very confusing and I think I'm about to give up. Not saying I'm going to turn gay, just taking another break... maybe not as long as 3 years again.
Anyways I didn't come here to talk about guys.
I've also been busy with school. I'm in grade 10 [meaning I'll be 16 as of 2012 and I'll be able to go for my learners! YAY!] and I have a lot of homework.
I'm in French 10, Art 10, Science 10, and English 10. My french teacher is crazy... although he gives no homework. My art teacher is insane and loves me, I think I'm one of his favourite students. Today there was a 'drop dead date' and everything that we did that was overdue was due today, if it wasn't handed in, you got a 0. I told him [I don't expect you to do this. Ever. No lying!] that I forgot my sketchbook [something that was due] in my binder, which was at home. Although it was actually in my locker, I just didn't want to bring it to art class. I said this 'cause I didnt' do my sketchbook... My science teacher is from New Zealand and he has a heavy accent which makes it harder to understand the already confusing subject. He also says different words like 'holy doodle' and 'foggle your horse'. My english teacher... well I hate her. I don't think she likes me. Too make matters worse, my twin brother is in my class [first time since preschool].
That's it about school.
Oh yeah.
I think Shade's dying.
I mean, I probably told you about when I got him in January, a week after he was staggering around and the whites of his eyes were showing. Well he's staggering around and for a brief moment the whites of his eyes are showing. I know I'm being paranoid and it could be nothing, but I'm honestly scared for him.
I lost Binky, my first cat that I've had for 14 years, last year on September 2. I cried so much. I'm crying now actually.
Thinking if Shade won't make it. I'd be lost without him. He's like my son. He's my baby. And I love him. Although I got to be quiet, my brother's have to wake up early to go hunting and my mom's not home. She's staying over night with her girlfriend's. I hate the feeling that I'll loose him.
But I did wake up my oldest brother, he came upstairs, looked at him said 'He's fine!' and went back downstairs to sleep.
Well, I'm gonna go now.
My eyes are puffy, sore, my nose is stuffed, I can't breathe, and I'm pretty sure I'll have a panic attack soon.
Farewell for now.
-The very upset Alado..
Well, besides the fact that my teenage girl brain is disfunctional when it comes to the opposite sex, yes guys. It's all very confusing and I think I'm about to give up. Not saying I'm going to turn gay, just taking another break... maybe not as long as 3 years again.
Anyways I didn't come here to talk about guys.
I've also been busy with school. I'm in grade 10 [meaning I'll be 16 as of 2012 and I'll be able to go for my learners! YAY!] and I have a lot of homework.
I'm in French 10, Art 10, Science 10, and English 10. My french teacher is crazy... although he gives no homework. My art teacher is insane and loves me, I think I'm one of his favourite students. Today there was a 'drop dead date' and everything that we did that was overdue was due today, if it wasn't handed in, you got a 0. I told him [I don't expect you to do this. Ever. No lying!] that I forgot my sketchbook [something that was due] in my binder, which was at home. Although it was actually in my locker, I just didn't want to bring it to art class. I said this 'cause I didnt' do my sketchbook... My science teacher is from New Zealand and he has a heavy accent which makes it harder to understand the already confusing subject. He also says different words like 'holy doodle' and 'foggle your horse'. My english teacher... well I hate her. I don't think she likes me. Too make matters worse, my twin brother is in my class [first time since preschool].
That's it about school.
Oh yeah.
I think Shade's dying.
I mean, I probably told you about when I got him in January, a week after he was staggering around and the whites of his eyes were showing. Well he's staggering around and for a brief moment the whites of his eyes are showing. I know I'm being paranoid and it could be nothing, but I'm honestly scared for him.
I lost Binky, my first cat that I've had for 14 years, last year on September 2. I cried so much. I'm crying now actually.
Thinking if Shade won't make it. I'd be lost without him. He's like my son. He's my baby. And I love him. Although I got to be quiet, my brother's have to wake up early to go hunting and my mom's not home. She's staying over night with her girlfriend's. I hate the feeling that I'll loose him.
But I did wake up my oldest brother, he came upstairs, looked at him said 'He's fine!' and went back downstairs to sleep.
Well, I'm gonna go now.
My eyes are puffy, sore, my nose is stuffed, I can't breathe, and I'm pretty sure I'll have a panic attack soon.
Farewell for now.
-The very upset Alado..
Thursday, 15 September 2011
Nothing But A Dream; Chapter 4: The Saving
Tum Tum's POV (Point of View)
I woke to the sound of Rocky and Colt talking. Colt seemed angered and Rocky frusterated.
Typical! I thought. Colt was always sarcastic and sometimes rude, causing Rocky to take quick action and act 'grow-up' just because he was the oldest out of us three. Sometimes it got annoying, Rocky acting like grandpa.
"What are you two talking about?" I muttered still half asleep. A bag of jellybeans what at my side.
"Nothing," Colt and Rocky said together as the spun around to glare at me.
"Well what did I do?" I asked innocently.
"C'mon let's just go get some pizza," Rocky muttered and Colt rolled his eyes and stood up. We all got on sweaters and grabbed our bikes. We began our short way towards the pizza parlor. Rocky seemed distracted and Colt seemed agitated. Whatever the two were arguing about they didn't seem happy.
The ride was akward and silent. "Does anyone want any jellybeans?" I politely suggested.
Rocky and Colt whipped around to look at me. "No!" They said together again and I shrugged. "I was just asking." My reply made Colt turn around again.
"Colt! Look out!" Rocky yelled and as Colt turned back around he was sent flying over his handle bars.
"Woah!" Colt yelped as he hit the pavement and rolled.
"Colt!" Rocky and I yelled together and got off of our bikes and went to see if our brother was alright. "You okay?" Rocky asked.
"Just great," Colt muttered and wiped himself off. His hands were scraped and there was a shallow cut on his cheek.
"Your bleeding," I noted and Colt wiped off his cheek, blood staining his hand.
"Oh well," was his reply.
Rocky and I sighed and we all got back on our bikes.
As the parlor came into view our hopes raised. We hadn't had pizza in awhile, we tried our best to eat healthy at Grandpa's cabin. We locked our bikes on the bike rack and went inside. We quickly ordered the pizzas and Colt and Rocky went to play the arcade games. I waited patiently.
"Number forty-five," The girl at the till said into the microphone. I immediatly jumped up and looked at the lady.
"That's me!" I grinned and she handed me a medium pepperoni pizza. "Thank you!" I said and went to enjoy my food.
After a few minutes the lady called into the microphone again. "Number forty-six," Colt perked up and left his game. He smiled politely to the girl and got his own small pizza.
Rocky was still involved in his video game as Colt and I enjoyed our pizza.
Ding! Ding! The bell from the door rang and three people walked into the pizza parlor. Colt and I turned to see who it was, clearly nosey. It was Ayla and her family.
"Hey guys!" She said with a bright smile and waved to us. Her parents said something quietly and went to order their pizza.
"Hi Ayla," I muttered through my mouth full of pizza.
Colt looked at me rolled his eyes and than turned his attention to Ayla. "You can sit down," He said and gestured to the seat across from him and beside me.
"Thanks," She said and sat down. A brief ringtone went off and Ayla looked in her father's direction. He was talking into his phone and he seemed stressed. Her dad looked at her mom, muttered something and than walked over to Ayla. "I'm sorry, duty calls. I'll see you tonight! I promise," He said and hurried off with the car.
Ayla sighed and looked down.
"What was that all about?" I said and recieved a sharp kick from Colt. "Ow!" I said and Colt glared at me.
"He isn't around much. He works for the FBI and I never get to see him anymore," She seemed upset.
"Our father works in the FBI too," Colt and I said together. "We understand."
"That's why we moved," Ayla said and looked at both of us with sad brown eyes.
Just than three men in black ski masks entered the parlor. Guns aiming at the innocent customers. "This is a robbery! Where's the money!" One of the men yelled. Colt and I looked at each other and customers gasped. The lady at the till began to tremble and Rocky was still involved in his game.
"Now!" The second robber called and the lady opened the till. The third robber leaped over the counter and pushed the lady down, taking the cash and stuffing it into a pillow case. Colt stood up and walked over.
"I don't think you should've done that," He said simply.
I sighed and Ayla looked at me. "He's going to get himself shot!"
The second robber aimed the gun around the parlor and everyone ducked. Everyone except for Colt and I and Rocky who was too busy with his game to notice.
"Well, well, well," The third robber leaped back over the counter and stood infront of Colt. "What do we have here? Kid, shouldn't you be in the sand box?"
"Shouldn't you be in jail?" Colt shot back and clenched his fists.
The man chuckled and looked back at his companions. "Who does this kid think he is?"
"The one who's going to kick your butt!" Colt yelled.
"I doubt tha-" The robber was cut off as Colt aimed a blow to his gut.
"Why you little-" He was cut off again as Colt kicked away the robber's gun and sent it skidding across the floor. He aimed another blow to the criminal's chest and than knocked his legs out from under him.
The robber crumpled in pain and stayed huddled. The second robber aimed his gun at Colt and was about to shoot when I ran over and kicked him where it hurts. "Aya!" I said and the robber bent down in agony. I aimed a blow to his head with my hand and he fell down. He seemed to be sobbing. "What a baby!" I said and froze when I heard Colt yell my name. The first robber was now holding Ayla as a hostage, a gun to her head as he backed slowly to the door. The stolen money in his hand.
"Rocky!" I yelled.
"What?!" Rocky grumbled and turned around. When he saw the two robbers on the ground and the other threatening to shoot Ayla he froze. He was directly behind Ayla and the man. He grinned and slammed down his hand on the mans collarbone, karate-chopping it.
The man immediatly let go of Ayla and she ran over to Colt and I.
Rocky used this to his advantage and elbowed the man in the face. The man swung at Rocky but he dodged and kicked him in the side.
Instead of trying to fight backagain the robber made a run for it, heading towards the door but the un-noticed sound of sirens could suddenly be heard and four police cruisers pulled into the parking lot, surrounding the pizza parlor. The robber dropped to the ground, surrendering. Three police men came inside and arrested the men. The sheriff came in as well and looked at Rocky, Colt, and I.
"You three stopped them?" He asked.
We all nodded.
"How? You're just kids!" He said with disbelief.
"They're ninjas," Ayla interupted with a smile. "They saved my life."
Rocky and Colt blushed and I rolled my eyes.
"Congratulations boy," The sheriff said and walked back out the door, the men groaning in pain.
Ayla watched and than turned her attention on us. "That guy would've killed me if it wasn't for you guys," She said.
"She's right," Ayla's mother said as she walked over. She had teary eyes, she must've been scared for her daughter.
"Oh it was nothing," I said shyly.
Ayla smiled and walked over to Rocky. She kissed him on the cheek. She then walked over to Colt and kissed him on the cheek, "What happened to you?" She said and touched his cut on his cheek. "Oh nothing, it doesn't hurt," Colt said, clearly trying to impress her.
Ayla giggled and than turned to me. "You're not kissing me!" I said and backed into a table. She advanced and kissed my cheek. "Bleh!" I thought.
I woke to the sound of Rocky and Colt talking. Colt seemed angered and Rocky frusterated.
Typical! I thought. Colt was always sarcastic and sometimes rude, causing Rocky to take quick action and act 'grow-up' just because he was the oldest out of us three. Sometimes it got annoying, Rocky acting like grandpa.
"What are you two talking about?" I muttered still half asleep. A bag of jellybeans what at my side.
"Nothing," Colt and Rocky said together as the spun around to glare at me.
"Well what did I do?" I asked innocently.
"C'mon let's just go get some pizza," Rocky muttered and Colt rolled his eyes and stood up. We all got on sweaters and grabbed our bikes. We began our short way towards the pizza parlor. Rocky seemed distracted and Colt seemed agitated. Whatever the two were arguing about they didn't seem happy.
The ride was akward and silent. "Does anyone want any jellybeans?" I politely suggested.
Rocky and Colt whipped around to look at me. "No!" They said together again and I shrugged. "I was just asking." My reply made Colt turn around again.
"Colt! Look out!" Rocky yelled and as Colt turned back around he was sent flying over his handle bars.
"Woah!" Colt yelped as he hit the pavement and rolled.
"Colt!" Rocky and I yelled together and got off of our bikes and went to see if our brother was alright. "You okay?" Rocky asked.
"Just great," Colt muttered and wiped himself off. His hands were scraped and there was a shallow cut on his cheek.
"Your bleeding," I noted and Colt wiped off his cheek, blood staining his hand.
"Oh well," was his reply.
Rocky and I sighed and we all got back on our bikes.
As the parlor came into view our hopes raised. We hadn't had pizza in awhile, we tried our best to eat healthy at Grandpa's cabin. We locked our bikes on the bike rack and went inside. We quickly ordered the pizzas and Colt and Rocky went to play the arcade games. I waited patiently.
"Number forty-five," The girl at the till said into the microphone. I immediatly jumped up and looked at the lady.
"That's me!" I grinned and she handed me a medium pepperoni pizza. "Thank you!" I said and went to enjoy my food.
After a few minutes the lady called into the microphone again. "Number forty-six," Colt perked up and left his game. He smiled politely to the girl and got his own small pizza.
Rocky was still involved in his video game as Colt and I enjoyed our pizza.
Ding! Ding! The bell from the door rang and three people walked into the pizza parlor. Colt and I turned to see who it was, clearly nosey. It was Ayla and her family.
"Hey guys!" She said with a bright smile and waved to us. Her parents said something quietly and went to order their pizza.
"Hi Ayla," I muttered through my mouth full of pizza.
Colt looked at me rolled his eyes and than turned his attention to Ayla. "You can sit down," He said and gestured to the seat across from him and beside me.
"Thanks," She said and sat down. A brief ringtone went off and Ayla looked in her father's direction. He was talking into his phone and he seemed stressed. Her dad looked at her mom, muttered something and than walked over to Ayla. "I'm sorry, duty calls. I'll see you tonight! I promise," He said and hurried off with the car.
Ayla sighed and looked down.
"What was that all about?" I said and recieved a sharp kick from Colt. "Ow!" I said and Colt glared at me.
"He isn't around much. He works for the FBI and I never get to see him anymore," She seemed upset.
"Our father works in the FBI too," Colt and I said together. "We understand."
"That's why we moved," Ayla said and looked at both of us with sad brown eyes.
Just than three men in black ski masks entered the parlor. Guns aiming at the innocent customers. "This is a robbery! Where's the money!" One of the men yelled. Colt and I looked at each other and customers gasped. The lady at the till began to tremble and Rocky was still involved in his game.
"Now!" The second robber called and the lady opened the till. The third robber leaped over the counter and pushed the lady down, taking the cash and stuffing it into a pillow case. Colt stood up and walked over.
"I don't think you should've done that," He said simply.
I sighed and Ayla looked at me. "He's going to get himself shot!"
The second robber aimed the gun around the parlor and everyone ducked. Everyone except for Colt and I and Rocky who was too busy with his game to notice.
"Well, well, well," The third robber leaped back over the counter and stood infront of Colt. "What do we have here? Kid, shouldn't you be in the sand box?"
"Shouldn't you be in jail?" Colt shot back and clenched his fists.
The man chuckled and looked back at his companions. "Who does this kid think he is?"
"The one who's going to kick your butt!" Colt yelled.
"I doubt tha-" The robber was cut off as Colt aimed a blow to his gut.
"Why you little-" He was cut off again as Colt kicked away the robber's gun and sent it skidding across the floor. He aimed another blow to the criminal's chest and than knocked his legs out from under him.
The robber crumpled in pain and stayed huddled. The second robber aimed his gun at Colt and was about to shoot when I ran over and kicked him where it hurts. "Aya!" I said and the robber bent down in agony. I aimed a blow to his head with my hand and he fell down. He seemed to be sobbing. "What a baby!" I said and froze when I heard Colt yell my name. The first robber was now holding Ayla as a hostage, a gun to her head as he backed slowly to the door. The stolen money in his hand.
"Rocky!" I yelled.
"What?!" Rocky grumbled and turned around. When he saw the two robbers on the ground and the other threatening to shoot Ayla he froze. He was directly behind Ayla and the man. He grinned and slammed down his hand on the mans collarbone, karate-chopping it.
The man immediatly let go of Ayla and she ran over to Colt and I.
Rocky used this to his advantage and elbowed the man in the face. The man swung at Rocky but he dodged and kicked him in the side.
Instead of trying to fight backagain the robber made a run for it, heading towards the door but the un-noticed sound of sirens could suddenly be heard and four police cruisers pulled into the parking lot, surrounding the pizza parlor. The robber dropped to the ground, surrendering. Three police men came inside and arrested the men. The sheriff came in as well and looked at Rocky, Colt, and I.
"You three stopped them?" He asked.
We all nodded.
"How? You're just kids!" He said with disbelief.
"They're ninjas," Ayla interupted with a smile. "They saved my life."
Rocky and Colt blushed and I rolled my eyes.
"Congratulations boy," The sheriff said and walked back out the door, the men groaning in pain.
Ayla watched and than turned her attention on us. "That guy would've killed me if it wasn't for you guys," She said.
"She's right," Ayla's mother said as she walked over. She had teary eyes, she must've been scared for her daughter.
"Oh it was nothing," I said shyly.
Ayla smiled and walked over to Rocky. She kissed him on the cheek. She then walked over to Colt and kissed him on the cheek, "What happened to you?" She said and touched his cut on his cheek. "Oh nothing, it doesn't hurt," Colt said, clearly trying to impress her.
Ayla giggled and than turned to me. "You're not kissing me!" I said and backed into a table. She advanced and kissed my cheek. "Bleh!" I thought.
Nothing But A Dream; Chapter 3: The New Neighbour
Rocky's POV (Point of View)
As we drove down our street we saw a huge moving truck parked across from our house. "Whoa," Colt and I said together.
Tum Tum was to busy eating a string of licorice.
A girl was talking to a man, probably her father.
She looked in our direction as we pulled into our driveway. Mom and Dad were already making their way over to the new neighbours.
Grandpa waved quickly to his daughter and his son-in-law before dropping our bags and ourselves off.
I got out and walked over to our parents with my brothers.
"Jeffrey. Samuel. Michael." My mom smiled when she spotted us. She was talking to a woman before she turned to see us. Dad was talking to the man the girl was speaking with moments before.
"It's Colt, Rocky, and Tum Tum. Remember?" Tum Tum corrected Mom.
"Of course Michael, I mean Tum Tum," Mom laughed.
All three of us hugged our parents.
The man coughed slightly, indicating he was still there. "Henry," the woman said.
"Oh! Sorry," Mom said and turned to the woman and man. "These are my sons. Samuel," she said gesturing to me. "Jeffrey," she said and put her hand on Colt's shoulder. "And Michael," Mom said and Tum Tum gave the two strangers a shy smile.
"Ayla!" The man called and the girl came over. Her brown eyes looked at me and my brothers curiously.
"This is Ayla," the woman said.
"Hi," I smiled.
"Hi," she said.
As the parents went to greet each other, Colt, Tum Tum, and I were left with Ayla.
"I'm Rocky," I greeted her.
"I thought you were Samuel," She said her eyebrows slightly pressed together, showing her bewilderment.
"Oh, those our are family names," Colt said.
"We are ninjas!" Tum Tum added.
"What are your ninja names?" Ayla asked, she seemed interested.
"Well, he's Rocky 'cause he's solid. I'm Colt 'cause I'm fast and he's Tum Tum 'cause... well, he'll eat just about anything," Colt said.
"Rocky. Colt. Tum Tum." Ayla said and pointed to one of us, remembering our names.
"We prefer to be called our ninja names than our family names," I added and she shot me a smile.
After a brief moment of silence Colt asked, "Are you new around here?"
The girl giggled and pointed in the direction of the house. The large moving truck still in the driveway, unloading furniture and other household items.
"Right," Colt said and looked down, clearly embaressed.
"How old are you?" I asked suddenly.
"Fifteen," She said. Cool! I thought. She's around my age!"I'm sixteen," I said and was interupted by Colt.
"I'm fifteen!" He said.
"I'm twelve," Tum Tum replied, not wanting to be out-done.
I rolled my eyes. Tum Tum was such a ham sometimes.
"D-are you going to go to our school?" I asked, letting my original question drop.
"Probably," Ayla tried her best not to laugh but all three of us could see it was hard to contain.
"Right..."I said and looked as oddly embaressed as Colt had been earlier.
"Ayla?" A woman, I guessed was Ayla's mom, called.
"Coming!" Ayla said and gave us a smile. "I'm sorry I have to help unpack. I'll see you later!" She said as she waved good-bye and ran over to help her parents and the movers unpack.
"She seems... cool," Colt asked and looked at me from the corner of his eye.
"Yeah.." I said and picked up my duffle bag. I walked back across the road towards our house. Colt and Tum Tum were whispering quietly to each other and Mom and Dad were trailing behind them.
I entered the house, walked up the stairs, and into the room my brother's and I shared. I threw my bag on my bed and sat down as Colt and Tum Tum entered the room. Colt threw his bag on his bed, the top bunk, as Tum Tum flopped down on his, the bottom bunk. I had a single bed to myself.
"What now?" Colt asked, it was obvious he was bored.
Tum Tum let out a long, exasperated sigh. "I don't know."
"We could go to the pizza parlor," I suggested.
"I want to go later," Colt said and turned around to take a brief nap. Tum Tum and I quickly agreed.
As we drove down our street we saw a huge moving truck parked across from our house. "Whoa," Colt and I said together.
Tum Tum was to busy eating a string of licorice.
A girl was talking to a man, probably her father.
She looked in our direction as we pulled into our driveway. Mom and Dad were already making their way over to the new neighbours.
Grandpa waved quickly to his daughter and his son-in-law before dropping our bags and ourselves off.
I got out and walked over to our parents with my brothers.
"Jeffrey. Samuel. Michael." My mom smiled when she spotted us. She was talking to a woman before she turned to see us. Dad was talking to the man the girl was speaking with moments before.
"It's Colt, Rocky, and Tum Tum. Remember?" Tum Tum corrected Mom.
"Of course Michael, I mean Tum Tum," Mom laughed.
All three of us hugged our parents.
The man coughed slightly, indicating he was still there. "Henry," the woman said.
"Oh! Sorry," Mom said and turned to the woman and man. "These are my sons. Samuel," she said gesturing to me. "Jeffrey," she said and put her hand on Colt's shoulder. "And Michael," Mom said and Tum Tum gave the two strangers a shy smile.
"Ayla!" The man called and the girl came over. Her brown eyes looked at me and my brothers curiously.
"This is Ayla," the woman said.
"Hi," I smiled.
"Hi," she said.
As the parents went to greet each other, Colt, Tum Tum, and I were left with Ayla.
"I'm Rocky," I greeted her.
"I thought you were Samuel," She said her eyebrows slightly pressed together, showing her bewilderment.
"Oh, those our are family names," Colt said.
"We are ninjas!" Tum Tum added.
"What are your ninja names?" Ayla asked, she seemed interested.
"Well, he's Rocky 'cause he's solid. I'm Colt 'cause I'm fast and he's Tum Tum 'cause... well, he'll eat just about anything," Colt said.
"Rocky. Colt. Tum Tum." Ayla said and pointed to one of us, remembering our names.
"We prefer to be called our ninja names than our family names," I added and she shot me a smile.
After a brief moment of silence Colt asked, "Are you new around here?"
The girl giggled and pointed in the direction of the house. The large moving truck still in the driveway, unloading furniture and other household items.
"Right," Colt said and looked down, clearly embaressed.
"How old are you?" I asked suddenly.
"Fifteen," She said. Cool! I thought. She's around my age!"I'm sixteen," I said and was interupted by Colt.
"I'm fifteen!" He said.
"I'm twelve," Tum Tum replied, not wanting to be out-done.
I rolled my eyes. Tum Tum was such a ham sometimes.
"D-are you going to go to our school?" I asked, letting my original question drop.
"Probably," Ayla tried her best not to laugh but all three of us could see it was hard to contain.
"Right..."I said and looked as oddly embaressed as Colt had been earlier.
"Ayla?" A woman, I guessed was Ayla's mom, called.
"Coming!" Ayla said and gave us a smile. "I'm sorry I have to help unpack. I'll see you later!" She said as she waved good-bye and ran over to help her parents and the movers unpack.
"She seems... cool," Colt asked and looked at me from the corner of his eye.
"Yeah.." I said and picked up my duffle bag. I walked back across the road towards our house. Colt and Tum Tum were whispering quietly to each other and Mom and Dad were trailing behind them.
I entered the house, walked up the stairs, and into the room my brother's and I shared. I threw my bag on my bed and sat down as Colt and Tum Tum entered the room. Colt threw his bag on his bed, the top bunk, as Tum Tum flopped down on his, the bottom bunk. I had a single bed to myself.
"What now?" Colt asked, it was obvious he was bored.
Tum Tum let out a long, exasperated sigh. "I don't know."
"We could go to the pizza parlor," I suggested.
"I want to go later," Colt said and turned around to take a brief nap. Tum Tum and I quickly agreed.
Nothing But A Dream; Chapter 2: The Lunch
Colt's POV (Point of View)
"Tum Tum!" I heard Rocky, my older brother say as my younger brother ate his sandwitch.
"What?" Tum Tum asked innocently.
Rocky rolled his eyes. "That was my sandwitch."
I chuckled. Tum Tum was the hungry one out of all three of us.
"Boys?" I heard my grandpa say.
"Yes, Grandpa?" Rocky asked as he put away his plate. Tum Tum had already devoured the sandwitch.
"I'm going out for awhile, I'll be back soon. I expect you'll have lunch by the time I'm back," Grandpa said as he walked out the door.
"Yes sir," all three of us chimed.
"Tum Tum, you cook," Rocky ordered. "I'll do the dishes when lunch is done and Colt can-"
"I'll practice on the dummy!" I said and bounded off outside. We were spending our weekend at our grandfather's cabin. He was Japenese and he new martial arts. He taught us everything there was to know about being a ninja.
"Colt!" I heard my brother, Rocky call after me but I ignored him. He was always trying to tell me what to do. He was always bossy. I soon made my way to the side of the house where a training dummy was tied to a rope and hanging from a tree branch. I aimed a blow just in the center of the chest of the dummy with my fist and the eyes lit up. A short ding went off and a smile crept onto my face.
I aimed another blow at the dummy, this time aiming for it's forehead. I smiled with satisfaction as my foot met with the hard cushion. Ding! Went the dummy and the eyes lit up with a red light.
After practicing for what seemed like hours I heard Rocky and Tum Tum calling me.
"Great," I sighed and wiped the sweat off my brow. I walked along the side of the cabin and entered, pushing the screen door away from me.
"Lunch is ready," Rocky said.
"I heard," I retorted and stood behind the dining table. I knew what was coming. A plate came sailing over to me and I caught it with one hand and set it on the table. Two more came flying towards me, over Rocky's head. I grabbed them both and set them on the table.
"Do you think Grandpa will eat?" I heard Tum Tum ask.
"Yes," Rocky said and and another plate came flying from where ever Tum Tum was. I caught it quickly and set it down where grandpa usually sat.
"Table's set!" I called and I grabbed a plate, just in time as spaghetti flew towards me. I caught it with the plate and set it down. After catching three more plates of spaghetti Rocky, Tum Tum, and I sat down to eat. We waited for grandpa to get back.
Beep! Beep! Beep!All three of our heads whipped to look at the large red lightbulb, flashing and making an alarm sound.
"Grandpa's back!" Tum Tum yelled and Rocky and I rolled our eyes. Rocky stood up to turn off the alarm.
"Boys!" Grandpa said as he walked in and sat at the table. "It smells delicious!"
"Thank you, Grandpa," All three of us coursed together.
"Colt didn't help!" Tum Tum said suddenly and I reached out a leg to kick Tum Tum.
"Ow! Colt kicked me!" Tum Tum said and I smirked.
"Colt, enough. Eat your lunch," Grandpa scolded and I sighed. I dug into my food as well as Grandpa, Rocky, and Tum Tum. "After we eat, I'm taking you back home."
"But Grandpa-" Whined Tum Tum, Rocky, and I.
"No buts!" Grandpa cut us off and ate his lunch. When we were finished I did the dishes. A punishment for not helping cook lunch. Without looking I threw the knives, forks, and spoons in the right containers. When I was finished cleaning the utensils I sent the plates sailing towards Rocky who decided to help me. He quickly placed them in the right cupboard.
"We're done," I said when we were finished.
Tum Tum came down from the spiraling metal stairs that led right to our beds. The attic where all three of us slept. He was carrying his duffle bag filled with Ding Dongs and other sorts of junk food.
"My bag's ready," He said sullenly. We always hated leaving Grandpa's cabin. We weren't allowed to practice ninja at home. Are dad didn't allow it.
Rocky gave me a quick glance before he leaped up the short metal stairs and went to grab his bag. I ran after him. I had packed my bag right after lunch. I came down the stairs and made my way outside. Tum Tum was already sitting in Grandpa's convertable. A chocolate bar shoved into his mouth.
Rocky placed his bag in the back and took the passenger seat. I sat down next to Tum Tum in the back and together we waited for grandpa.
Grandpa soon appeared in the doorway. He closed and locked his door and waddled to the car. He sat down and started the engine. Tum Tum, Rocky, and I exchanged looks. We didn't want to leave. We pulled out of the driveway and across the small red bridge that slightly towered over a small brook.
Good-bye ninja training, I thought sadly as we got onto the main road.
"Tum Tum!" I heard Rocky, my older brother say as my younger brother ate his sandwitch.
"What?" Tum Tum asked innocently.
Rocky rolled his eyes. "That was my sandwitch."
I chuckled. Tum Tum was the hungry one out of all three of us.
"Boys?" I heard my grandpa say.
"Yes, Grandpa?" Rocky asked as he put away his plate. Tum Tum had already devoured the sandwitch.
"I'm going out for awhile, I'll be back soon. I expect you'll have lunch by the time I'm back," Grandpa said as he walked out the door.
"Yes sir," all three of us chimed.
"Tum Tum, you cook," Rocky ordered. "I'll do the dishes when lunch is done and Colt can-"
"I'll practice on the dummy!" I said and bounded off outside. We were spending our weekend at our grandfather's cabin. He was Japenese and he new martial arts. He taught us everything there was to know about being a ninja.
"Colt!" I heard my brother, Rocky call after me but I ignored him. He was always trying to tell me what to do. He was always bossy. I soon made my way to the side of the house where a training dummy was tied to a rope and hanging from a tree branch. I aimed a blow just in the center of the chest of the dummy with my fist and the eyes lit up. A short ding went off and a smile crept onto my face.
I aimed another blow at the dummy, this time aiming for it's forehead. I smiled with satisfaction as my foot met with the hard cushion. Ding! Went the dummy and the eyes lit up with a red light.
After practicing for what seemed like hours I heard Rocky and Tum Tum calling me.
"Great," I sighed and wiped the sweat off my brow. I walked along the side of the cabin and entered, pushing the screen door away from me.
"Lunch is ready," Rocky said.
"I heard," I retorted and stood behind the dining table. I knew what was coming. A plate came sailing over to me and I caught it with one hand and set it on the table. Two more came flying towards me, over Rocky's head. I grabbed them both and set them on the table.
"Do you think Grandpa will eat?" I heard Tum Tum ask.
"Yes," Rocky said and and another plate came flying from where ever Tum Tum was. I caught it quickly and set it down where grandpa usually sat.
"Table's set!" I called and I grabbed a plate, just in time as spaghetti flew towards me. I caught it with the plate and set it down. After catching three more plates of spaghetti Rocky, Tum Tum, and I sat down to eat. We waited for grandpa to get back.
Beep! Beep! Beep!All three of our heads whipped to look at the large red lightbulb, flashing and making an alarm sound.
"Grandpa's back!" Tum Tum yelled and Rocky and I rolled our eyes. Rocky stood up to turn off the alarm.
"Boys!" Grandpa said as he walked in and sat at the table. "It smells delicious!"
"Thank you, Grandpa," All three of us coursed together.
"Colt didn't help!" Tum Tum said suddenly and I reached out a leg to kick Tum Tum.
"Ow! Colt kicked me!" Tum Tum said and I smirked.
"Colt, enough. Eat your lunch," Grandpa scolded and I sighed. I dug into my food as well as Grandpa, Rocky, and Tum Tum. "After we eat, I'm taking you back home."
"But Grandpa-" Whined Tum Tum, Rocky, and I.
"No buts!" Grandpa cut us off and ate his lunch. When we were finished I did the dishes. A punishment for not helping cook lunch. Without looking I threw the knives, forks, and spoons in the right containers. When I was finished cleaning the utensils I sent the plates sailing towards Rocky who decided to help me. He quickly placed them in the right cupboard.
"We're done," I said when we were finished.
Tum Tum came down from the spiraling metal stairs that led right to our beds. The attic where all three of us slept. He was carrying his duffle bag filled with Ding Dongs and other sorts of junk food.
"My bag's ready," He said sullenly. We always hated leaving Grandpa's cabin. We weren't allowed to practice ninja at home. Are dad didn't allow it.
Rocky gave me a quick glance before he leaped up the short metal stairs and went to grab his bag. I ran after him. I had packed my bag right after lunch. I came down the stairs and made my way outside. Tum Tum was already sitting in Grandpa's convertable. A chocolate bar shoved into his mouth.
Rocky placed his bag in the back and took the passenger seat. I sat down next to Tum Tum in the back and together we waited for grandpa.
Grandpa soon appeared in the doorway. He closed and locked his door and waddled to the car. He sat down and started the engine. Tum Tum, Rocky, and I exchanged looks. We didn't want to leave. We pulled out of the driveway and across the small red bridge that slightly towered over a small brook.
Good-bye ninja training, I thought sadly as we got onto the main road.
Nothing But A Dream; Chapter 1: The Move
A.N: I tried a new style of writing so... I hope you like it if you're reading :)
"Ayla!" I heard my mother yelling for me from downstairs.
"Yes?" I called back.
"Are you ready?" Came her reply. I was tired of her nagging me.
"Ayla Elise Montgomery, if I have to go up there and you're not ready-"
I cut my mother off. "Okay, okay!" I said exasperated and got out of my temporary bed. A sleeping bag on the floor of what was once my room.
I walked to my suitcase and grabbed my small bag of toiletries.
I headed into my personal bathroom and hopped into the shower.
As soon as I was done I dryed my hair and grabbed my only clothes left in the house. My white skinny jeans and my favourite blue plaid shirt.
I left my nearly empty room and gave one reluctant glance back before descending down the stairs. I could smell the tangy scent of orange juice. I entered the kitchen seeing a small temporary table set up with stools. On the table were three cups filled with orange juice and three bowls of cereal.
"Just great," I muttered.
"How was your sleep, Sweetie?" My mom said and passed me the milk.
"Fine," I muttered and poured the milk into my bowl. My dad was to busy with his laptop, working on unsolved cases probably.
My dad was an FBI agent, he was always researching on his laptop if he was at home. The only reason we were moving was because he was signed into a different squadrent. I was mad at first but as I continued thinking about it, I knew he was just trying to help the world rid atleast a couple criminals, but it didn't mean I was still happy about the idea of leaving my friends.
I quickly finished my breakfast and washed out my cup and bowl. I placed them in a box labeled 'Fragile' and looked at my parents.
"If everything packed?" I asked half-heartedly and my mom gave me a cheerful smile.
"Besides that box and this table," she awnsered. "Is everything gone from your room?"
I thought for a moment. "Just the sleeping bag, I'll grab it now." I left the kitchen and advanced up the stairs. I entered my empty room and frowned. I would miss all the memories I had growing up in this house. I lived here for fifteen years and now I would be moving to a new house. With no memories. I grabbed the sleeping bag and looked in my bathroom. I had almost forgotten my bag of toiletries. I grabbed that and shoved it into my last suitcase. I bounded down the stairs, the sleeping bag taking up one arm and the suitcase taking up the other.
"I'm ready," I said and my mom smiled encouragingly. She held the box of plates, bows, and cups. My dad closed his laptop and folded up the small table. His eyes held sympathy, he knew I didn't want to leave.
"You sure you want to go now? I mean we can always go in a couple hours," I heard my mom say as I walked out the door and placed my stuff in the moving truck.
"Yeah now, before I can change my mind and start to protest," I said trying to lighten my mood which clearly didn't work.
My dad sighed as he placed the foldable-table into our black truck and I got into the backseat, I closed the door and put on my seatbelt. My mom placed the 'Fragile' box in the moving truck and got into the passenger seat. We waited patiently for my dad and soon we were pulling out of the driveway.
I looked at our house, it would be the last time I would see it. I sighed and plugged in my iPod. I switched through the songs until I found the one I was searching for. I smile faintly crept onto my face as I listened to the song but as soon as I saw my neighbourhood, correction old neighbourhood, flash by my smile turned into a frown.
(Yes, this was also posted on the story blog of NBAD but I like posting it on here, I'll also post the next three chapters!)
"Ayla!" I heard my mother yelling for me from downstairs.
"Yes?" I called back.
"Are you ready?" Came her reply. I was tired of her nagging me.
"Ayla Elise Montgomery, if I have to go up there and you're not ready-"
I cut my mother off. "Okay, okay!" I said exasperated and got out of my temporary bed. A sleeping bag on the floor of what was once my room.
I walked to my suitcase and grabbed my small bag of toiletries.
I headed into my personal bathroom and hopped into the shower.
As soon as I was done I dryed my hair and grabbed my only clothes left in the house. My white skinny jeans and my favourite blue plaid shirt.
I left my nearly empty room and gave one reluctant glance back before descending down the stairs. I could smell the tangy scent of orange juice. I entered the kitchen seeing a small temporary table set up with stools. On the table were three cups filled with orange juice and three bowls of cereal.
"Just great," I muttered.
"How was your sleep, Sweetie?" My mom said and passed me the milk.
"Fine," I muttered and poured the milk into my bowl. My dad was to busy with his laptop, working on unsolved cases probably.
My dad was an FBI agent, he was always researching on his laptop if he was at home. The only reason we were moving was because he was signed into a different squadrent. I was mad at first but as I continued thinking about it, I knew he was just trying to help the world rid atleast a couple criminals, but it didn't mean I was still happy about the idea of leaving my friends.
I quickly finished my breakfast and washed out my cup and bowl. I placed them in a box labeled 'Fragile' and looked at my parents.
"If everything packed?" I asked half-heartedly and my mom gave me a cheerful smile.
"Besides that box and this table," she awnsered. "Is everything gone from your room?"
I thought for a moment. "Just the sleeping bag, I'll grab it now." I left the kitchen and advanced up the stairs. I entered my empty room and frowned. I would miss all the memories I had growing up in this house. I lived here for fifteen years and now I would be moving to a new house. With no memories. I grabbed the sleeping bag and looked in my bathroom. I had almost forgotten my bag of toiletries. I grabbed that and shoved it into my last suitcase. I bounded down the stairs, the sleeping bag taking up one arm and the suitcase taking up the other.
"I'm ready," I said and my mom smiled encouragingly. She held the box of plates, bows, and cups. My dad closed his laptop and folded up the small table. His eyes held sympathy, he knew I didn't want to leave.
"You sure you want to go now? I mean we can always go in a couple hours," I heard my mom say as I walked out the door and placed my stuff in the moving truck.
"Yeah now, before I can change my mind and start to protest," I said trying to lighten my mood which clearly didn't work.
My dad sighed as he placed the foldable-table into our black truck and I got into the backseat, I closed the door and put on my seatbelt. My mom placed the 'Fragile' box in the moving truck and got into the passenger seat. We waited patiently for my dad and soon we were pulling out of the driveway.
I looked at our house, it would be the last time I would see it. I sighed and plugged in my iPod. I switched through the songs until I found the one I was searching for. I smile faintly crept onto my face as I listened to the song but as soon as I saw my neighbourhood, correction old neighbourhood, flash by my smile turned into a frown.
(Yes, this was also posted on the story blog of NBAD but I like posting it on here, I'll also post the next three chapters!)
Wednesday, 14 September 2011
Big Failure
Okay, obviously my plan of creating a short story on this blog ended up in an epic fail. I don't even think anyone even reads this anymore! Anyways... I was thinking... of continuing two of my stories... I LIKE IT! I got inspired when reading 'Genious and the Jock' a story created by someone online and watching The Dealiest Warrior: Vampires VS. Zombies.
I love vampires, and I hope to create a 'zombie' novel someday... when I eventually finish atleast one of my novels.
I'm going to continue writing 'Nothing but a Dream' for sure and maybe. Just maybe, I will continue 'Forever'.
Also... I have some epically horrible news.
You wanna know what?
It's horrible. For me.
My best guy friend likes me... a lot. For a year and a half now, who knows how long before that! He even liked me while dating a girl for 9 months! I mean, I used to like him before, he was so sweet and kind too me, but... he's also a jerk to a lot of people. I'm just not into those kind of guys. Also... my ex. crush who I am deadly afraid of.. he's so creepy, he still likes me! He sat with me on the bus on the third day of school and I almost freaked out. I just ignored him and looked out the window, and sure enough when I got home and logged onto my facebook; "Bridget, can I tell you something? I like you still.."
My reaction: -___-
Too make matters worse, I like my old best guy friend (we started seperating away from each other once we started high school last year and when I turned him down when he asked me out -Worst. Mistake. Of. My. Life.) and I'm pretty positive he likes this girl... who I highly dislike, because she's stuck up and I hate stuck up people. Well... I hate a lot of people.
I'm a heartless person and I admitted that today and I laughed at myself. I just don't like sucking up too people and I hate pretending I enjoy other's people company, especially when they're a little kid. No offense to anyone who is under the age of 10-ish.
Enough of my pointless rambeling.
If anyone's reading, should I continue NBAD and post it on here?
-Alado... the one who doesn't know what to change her name too
I love vampires, and I hope to create a 'zombie' novel someday... when I eventually finish atleast one of my novels.
I'm going to continue writing 'Nothing but a Dream' for sure and maybe. Just maybe, I will continue 'Forever'.
Also... I have some epically horrible news.
You wanna know what?
It's horrible. For me.
My best guy friend likes me... a lot. For a year and a half now, who knows how long before that! He even liked me while dating a girl for 9 months! I mean, I used to like him before, he was so sweet and kind too me, but... he's also a jerk to a lot of people. I'm just not into those kind of guys. Also... my ex. crush who I am deadly afraid of.. he's so creepy, he still likes me! He sat with me on the bus on the third day of school and I almost freaked out. I just ignored him and looked out the window, and sure enough when I got home and logged onto my facebook; "Bridget, can I tell you something? I like you still.."
My reaction: -___-
Too make matters worse, I like my old best guy friend (we started seperating away from each other once we started high school last year and when I turned him down when he asked me out -Worst. Mistake. Of. My. Life.) and I'm pretty positive he likes this girl... who I highly dislike, because she's stuck up and I hate stuck up people. Well... I hate a lot of people.
I'm a heartless person and I admitted that today and I laughed at myself. I just don't like sucking up too people and I hate pretending I enjoy other's people company, especially when they're a little kid. No offense to anyone who is under the age of 10-ish.
Enough of my pointless rambeling.
If anyone's reading, should I continue NBAD and post it on here?
-Alado... the one who doesn't know what to change her name too
Friday, 26 August 2011
Yay! :D
Hey, guess what?! I created a title page thingy-ma-bobber for my book! Wanna see it?
Do you wanna? :D
Here it is!
I'm proud of myself!
Yes, it's Ayla because I think she's pretty and she's my favourite character. But her name's not Ayla it's Allison. And the dude.. I don't think that will be Will because well... he don't look like a Will. XD
Do you wanna? :D
Here it is!
I'm proud of myself!
Yes, it's Ayla because I think she's pretty and she's my favourite character. But her name's not Ayla it's Allison. And the dude.. I don't think that will be Will because well... he don't look like a Will. XD
Wednesday, 24 August 2011
Okay. You know how every girl eventually wants a Cinderella story to happen to her? Where she meets her Prince Charming and they live happily ever after. Not all girls will show it but deep down, everyone wants it. I mean I do! I have probably watched every 'Cinderella' movie out there from Ever After, to Cinderella, and even to The Cinderella Story. Recently I watched a movie. Another Cinderella Story, with Selena Gomez. It's cute. That's what I have to say. Anyways I had an idea for a new story. I know I write to many! But I get such good ideas!
What if I created a story about a girl, who lost her mother and wasn't very popular in school and had like one really good, best friend. And suddenly her life changes when a prince, from I don't know what country, goes to her school and tries to have the life a normal kid and he eventually falls for her and of course there will be an evil mean girl. Than the girl finds out he's been lying to her, not telling her that he's a prince.
That's just the main points.
What do you say? Do you like the idea? If you do.. I'm gonna need help in where the prince should be from, somewhere that's not to big like England.
Allison Blake
William Kensington (Will Kenning)
Spencer Sanders
Natalie Harper
Alex Marin
(Do I need improvements?^)
I also really adore this song from the movie :3
What if I created a story about a girl, who lost her mother and wasn't very popular in school and had like one really good, best friend. And suddenly her life changes when a prince, from I don't know what country, goes to her school and tries to have the life a normal kid and he eventually falls for her and of course there will be an evil mean girl. Than the girl finds out he's been lying to her, not telling her that he's a prince.
That's just the main points.
What do you say? Do you like the idea? If you do.. I'm gonna need help in where the prince should be from, somewhere that's not to big like England.
Allison Blake
William Kensington (Will Kenning)
Spencer Sanders
Natalie Harper
Alex Marin
(Do I need improvements?^)
I also really adore this song from the movie :3
And should I create a new blog for it or post it on here?
Also I need ideas for names! Theres to many "Cinderella" named stories
Added Elements
I added some things to this blog! I even added more songs to the playlist.. so far, my favourite song is Moves Like Jagger. I grew up listening to Maroon 5, Nickleback, CCR, Simple Plan, and Good Charlotte! XD
I also added some pages that you can check out, like quote of the week, poll of the week, picture editing, song of the week, and reviews! I hope you like it and I'd like your feedback!
-Alado the one in love with.. if you know you get 10 points for nothing in particular! ^___^
I also added some pages that you can check out, like quote of the week, poll of the week, picture editing, song of the week, and reviews! I hope you like it and I'd like your feedback!
-Alado the one in love with.. if you know you get 10 points for nothing in particular! ^___^
Tuesday, 23 August 2011
Suggestions needed and also kitty issues!
1st Issue: Okay, I want to know how I can make My Life more interesting! Should I add my picture editing blog onto this site and my review blog? Should I share my many stories I write? I like writing new chapters if people read. Should I create 'quote of the week' and polls weekly? I'd like your input on what I should to do make an advancement on this blog!
2nd Issue: Kay, Shade, you all know him right? My adorable kitten who I love? Well... lately he's been acting up. Bad. I have been talking to a vet assistant through email but the advice she's been giving me just isn't working and she's not replying to my questions fast enough! I honestly know how to care for my cat/kitten. I'm not mean to him, I love him, and honestly I'm sick of people telling me to do stupid things, like 'oh your cat is just trying to play!' or 'oh get rid of him' and my personal hated comment 'his brain is damaged'.
Shade is becoming highly aggressive. Attacking people, mostly male guests, biting, clawing, hissing, growling, and peeing where ever he pleases. He has a litter box which I clean frequently and he's not spraying because we got him neutered five months ago. When he was three months old he got very, very sick. I'll give you a little info on that.
Shade's mother, Callie once had kittens but they were born dead and hairless. Her second litter of kittens, Shade included in them, had problems too. Rascal, Shade's older brother had a brain infection and he continued having seizures and eventually he died. Shade had the same problem, although he didn't have seizures. We took him to the vet and she gave him strong antibiotics to knock the infection out of him. He had a 50% change of living/dying. Fortunately he lived. He doesn't have any brain damage or we would've realized this, the vet even said so. He was three months than. He will be a year in November. Recently my guy friend has been sleeping over at my house due to the crowded housing issue. I think one of the reasons Shade is mean is because my friend taunts him, today I told him to stop. I said if you're going to continue harassing my cat you're not allowed over anymore. I don't want Shade to be mean. He understood and promised to stop.
But.. I've been giving him more room. I stopped picking him up and ignored him whenever he came out of where he was sleeping, he seems to be a little better natured. He actually suckled on my blanket today, something he hadn't done in almost a week or two. Shade was taken from his mother too early so he likes to nurse on my blanket. He didn't attack me except for when I was attempting to dance to Moves Like Jagger. He ran at me and clawed my heel and bit my foot, I yelled "Ouch!" It was almost a shriek and instantly he stopped and ran into my room, 'cause that's what he usually does when he knows he's done wrong. Anyways, that's a little information on my mean kitten. I'd like help!
Well, really I'd like help for both my situations.
-Alado loves.. you should know by know
P.S: I updated the playlist! :D
P.P.S: The picture is Shade... duh
2nd Issue: Kay, Shade, you all know him right? My adorable kitten who I love? Well... lately he's been acting up. Bad. I have been talking to a vet assistant through email but the advice she's been giving me just isn't working and she's not replying to my questions fast enough! I honestly know how to care for my cat/kitten. I'm not mean to him, I love him, and honestly I'm sick of people telling me to do stupid things, like 'oh your cat is just trying to play!' or 'oh get rid of him' and my personal hated comment 'his brain is damaged'.
Shade is becoming highly aggressive. Attacking people, mostly male guests, biting, clawing, hissing, growling, and peeing where ever he pleases. He has a litter box which I clean frequently and he's not spraying because we got him neutered five months ago. When he was three months old he got very, very sick. I'll give you a little info on that.
Shade's mother, Callie once had kittens but they were born dead and hairless. Her second litter of kittens, Shade included in them, had problems too. Rascal, Shade's older brother had a brain infection and he continued having seizures and eventually he died. Shade had the same problem, although he didn't have seizures. We took him to the vet and she gave him strong antibiotics to knock the infection out of him. He had a 50% change of living/dying. Fortunately he lived. He doesn't have any brain damage or we would've realized this, the vet even said so. He was three months than. He will be a year in November. Recently my guy friend has been sleeping over at my house due to the crowded housing issue. I think one of the reasons Shade is mean is because my friend taunts him, today I told him to stop. I said if you're going to continue harassing my cat you're not allowed over anymore. I don't want Shade to be mean. He understood and promised to stop.
But.. I've been giving him more room. I stopped picking him up and ignored him whenever he came out of where he was sleeping, he seems to be a little better natured. He actually suckled on my blanket today, something he hadn't done in almost a week or two. Shade was taken from his mother too early so he likes to nurse on my blanket. He didn't attack me except for when I was attempting to dance to Moves Like Jagger. He ran at me and clawed my heel and bit my foot, I yelled "Ouch!" It was almost a shriek and instantly he stopped and ran into my room, 'cause that's what he usually does when he knows he's done wrong. Anyways, that's a little information on my mean kitten. I'd like help!
Well, really I'd like help for both my situations.
-Alado loves.. you should know by know
P.S: I updated the playlist! :D
P.P.S: The picture is Shade... duh
Saturday, 20 August 2011
Random 3am Post :3
So... it's 3am and I'm tired 'cause I had like 5 hours of sleep. I have Kody to thank for that.. I can barely type my vision is disoriented but luckily I don't need to look at the keys to type properly.. I hope. Well I don't know what I'm going to talk about so I'm just going to rant.
I finally got to see my Ryan! (Jon Togo). I was so excited 'cause I didn't think he'd be in the season episode so I literally scream... :3. I scared my cat. I'm on season 4 already! I'm almost done!! I just have seasons 5-7 left ^_^. Anyways.. I also got to see Natalia. I never knew she worked inside the lab in CSI. She worked inside before she actually got to go out in the field and become a crime scene investigator. Again I was excited and I yelled, "Holy crap it's Natalia!" and again I scared my cat :P.
Eugh. In season 4, episode... Nailed.. Ryan Wolfe got shot... in the eye... with a nail gun... IT WAS HORRIBLE!
Anyways. What else is knew with myself.. oh yeah! I have a rp account for facebook! Add me up! Hakara Lioness :) I'm a blue lioness you can't miss it ;)
My best friend is my 'sister' Tama Lioness and also Kody Davis Lion, he's cool although he's 20 years old.. he likes to roleplay and he's been roleplaying since 2006-ish. Don't worry, he's not a creeper and we know a lot about each other, except for names and where we live. We also attract a lot of crazies... this one girl was obsessed with him and he told her to leave him alone.. she wasn't very happy and she raged at him and dragged me into it! I didn't do anything.. until she yelled at me. That's when my short temper kicked in ;D. Also another girl, she's like what 30 years old and a pervert! She is married too! She stole my pictures I edited myself and stuff and she had disgusting pictures of the lion king lions mating... it was disturbing and she began arguing with me and him! Also another chick was apparently our daughter.. I'm pretty sure I don't have a kid, and I'm pretty sure I don't have a boyfriend since I won't date. She yelled at us 'cause we were over tired and making jokes... she also swore at us in italian and she thought she was so smart, but fortunatly I'm kind of fluent in french.. not really but kind of... and italian is close to french so I knew what she was saying.. that's when she unfriended and blocked me :3. Seems like I made her embaressed! XD
Anyways... that's the catch-up with me!
What about you? How have you been since everyone seems to be inactive on blogger!
-Alado loves RW/JT ♥
Keepers of Magick (and yes I know 'magic' is spelled wrong but that's how we wanted it)
I finally got to see my Ryan! (Jon Togo). I was so excited 'cause I didn't think he'd be in the season episode so I literally scream... :3. I scared my cat. I'm on season 4 already! I'm almost done!! I just have seasons 5-7 left ^_^. Anyways.. I also got to see Natalia. I never knew she worked inside the lab in CSI. She worked inside before she actually got to go out in the field and become a crime scene investigator. Again I was excited and I yelled, "Holy crap it's Natalia!" and again I scared my cat :P.
Eugh. In season 4, episode... Nailed.. Ryan Wolfe got shot... in the eye... with a nail gun... IT WAS HORRIBLE!
Anyways. What else is knew with myself.. oh yeah! I have a rp account for facebook! Add me up! Hakara Lioness :) I'm a blue lioness you can't miss it ;)
My best friend is my 'sister' Tama Lioness and also Kody Davis Lion, he's cool although he's 20 years old.. he likes to roleplay and he's been roleplaying since 2006-ish. Don't worry, he's not a creeper and we know a lot about each other, except for names and where we live. We also attract a lot of crazies... this one girl was obsessed with him and he told her to leave him alone.. she wasn't very happy and she raged at him and dragged me into it! I didn't do anything.. until she yelled at me. That's when my short temper kicked in ;D. Also another girl, she's like what 30 years old and a pervert! She is married too! She stole my pictures I edited myself and stuff and she had disgusting pictures of the lion king lions mating... it was disturbing and she began arguing with me and him! Also another chick was apparently our daughter.. I'm pretty sure I don't have a kid, and I'm pretty sure I don't have a boyfriend since I won't date. She yelled at us 'cause we were over tired and making jokes... she also swore at us in italian and she thought she was so smart, but fortunatly I'm kind of fluent in french.. not really but kind of... and italian is close to french so I knew what she was saying.. that's when she unfriended and blocked me :3. Seems like I made her embaressed! XD
Anyways... that's the catch-up with me!
What about you? How have you been since everyone seems to be inactive on blogger!
-Alado loves RW/JT ♥
Keepers of Magick (and yes I know 'magic' is spelled wrong but that's how we wanted it)
Friday, 12 August 2011
3 Things! -Can't Hold Excitment In Any Longer-
1. I got a play list. It's of my current favourite songs or songs I've been listening to recently. Enjoy, I'll add more later.
2. I HAVE A NEW BOOK! It's called presidential and it's about well... you will find out if you go to the link that I will eventually put up as soon as my rambling starts at the end of this sentence. Now. Presidential Link <~~~~~ CLICK IT! You know you want too! ;)
4. THREE MORE EPISODES UNTIL RYAN WOLFE! I've never been excited for anything more in my life than that, Pretty lame am I right? But who cares! I don't! I've been without Ryan for one whole week! A WHOLE WEEK! YOU KNOW HOW HORRIBLE THAT IS TO A GIRL WITH CAAOTCW?!?!? Oh. That means Crazy And Awkward Obsessions That Change Weekly ;)
Three more episodes.
Holy smokes.
I'm gonna die.
-Lost Son
-Pro Per
-Under the Influence <~~ RYAN WOLFE... YUS! Well that means technically two more episodes... Maybe if I wake up at 10am clean my room, wash the dishes, clean my cats litter, clean my moms room, clean the living room, and vacuum the stairs my mom will let me on the computer for two hours :3
ALSO. I will be going to Playland and Cultas Lake Waterslides very very soon.... hopefully. I really want to go since I haven't gone since I got sick the last time. Which was like two years ago. Well that's for Playland, it's a huge amusement park in Vancouver. Cultas Lake Waterslides is a water park with huge slides, I went there last month. Anyways! Playland has this new ride, it's called Fear and it reminds me of a merry-go-round, with that little roof thingy. But instead of magical up-and-down horsies it holds seats, on swings, and it swings you really high and really fast, and I've seen Final Destination 3 and I don't feel like dying at an amusement park.
I'm off to bed.
Enjoy my rambling
Ciao, Alado Loves Ryan Wolfe ☺
I've been playing Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2 quite a lot lately, maybe because my guy friends been sleeping over and we've been gaming out. Anyways if you don't know what L4D or L4D2 is, it's a zombie game. Yeah, now I keep hearing awkward sounds. Like I swore I just heard a witch crying and the music of a hunter crawling... ooh now I heard it pounce... wtf is wrong with me?! O_o OH! Just now I heard a charger run and hit something.. yup that's basically it. I'm going to go to bed now before I hallucinate any further XD
Ciao for now, Alado blah blah blah blah R.W ♥
2. I HAVE A NEW BOOK! It's called presidential and it's about well... you will find out if you go to the link that I will eventually put up as soon as my rambling starts at the end of this sentence. Now. Presidential Link <~~~~~ CLICK IT! You know you want too! ;)
4. THREE MORE EPISODES UNTIL RYAN WOLFE! I've never been excited for anything more in my life than that, Pretty lame am I right? But who cares! I don't! I've been without Ryan for one whole week! A WHOLE WEEK! YOU KNOW HOW HORRIBLE THAT IS TO A GIRL WITH CAAOTCW?!?!? Oh. That means Crazy And Awkward Obsessions That Change Weekly ;)
Three more episodes.
Holy smokes.
I'm gonna die.
-Lost Son
-Pro Per
-Under the Influence <~~ RYAN WOLFE... YUS! Well that means technically two more episodes... Maybe if I wake up at 10am clean my room, wash the dishes, clean my cats litter, clean my moms room, clean the living room, and vacuum the stairs my mom will let me on the computer for two hours :3
ALSO. I will be going to Playland and Cultas Lake Waterslides very very soon.... hopefully. I really want to go since I haven't gone since I got sick the last time. Which was like two years ago. Well that's for Playland, it's a huge amusement park in Vancouver. Cultas Lake Waterslides is a water park with huge slides, I went there last month. Anyways! Playland has this new ride, it's called Fear and it reminds me of a merry-go-round, with that little roof thingy. But instead of magical up-and-down horsies it holds seats, on swings, and it swings you really high and really fast, and I've seen Final Destination 3 and I don't feel like dying at an amusement park.
I'm off to bed.
Enjoy my rambling
Ciao, Alado Loves Ryan Wolfe ☺
I've been playing Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2 quite a lot lately, maybe because my guy friends been sleeping over and we've been gaming out. Anyways if you don't know what L4D or L4D2 is, it's a zombie game. Yeah, now I keep hearing awkward sounds. Like I swore I just heard a witch crying and the music of a hunter crawling... ooh now I heard it pounce... wtf is wrong with me?! O_o OH! Just now I heard a charger run and hit something.. yup that's basically it. I'm going to go to bed now before I hallucinate any further XD
Ciao for now, Alado blah blah blah blah R.W ♥
Saturday, 6 August 2011
I finished season 1 of CSI:: Miami and I am now on season 2 of CSI: Miami. I'm already on episode 7! :DDD
♥Ryan Wolfe♥
I loves him.
If you didn't already know. If you didn't well than....... you definitely don't know me ;)
Now tell me. Was there anything you felt successful in even though it was basically pointless? XD
I have many, many, many of those moments... ;)
-Alado friggen' love Ryan Wolfe A LOT.
I finished season 1 of CSI:: Miami and I am now on season 2 of CSI: Miami. I'm already on episode 7! :DDD
♥Ryan Wolfe♥
I loves him.
If you didn't already know. If you didn't well than....... you definitely don't know me ;)
Now tell me. Was there anything you felt successful in even though it was basically pointless? XD
I have many, many, many of those moments... ;)
-Alado friggen' love Ryan Wolfe A LOT.
Thursday, 4 August 2011
Police Retards
[Warning. This post is sort of graphic with the language. But I can't help it. I'm sort of really pissed off.]
Okay. The police system is supposed to serve and protect not threaten and piss off.
I am all related to the people who live around me, meaning my neighbours and all that. But anyways there was a drug bust at the house next to mine and there was atleast 10 cop cars up the road and at the house and there were two trucks blocking the road right infront of my house. What pisses me off is that my brother was standing outside looking at everything on the balcony 'cause he was curious and theres nothing wrong with that. My balcony faces the side of that neighbours house.
Anyways one of the police officers said, "I'm going to bust you next!"
I didn't hear it I was putting groceries away, when I heard my brother, who is like 28, 30 I don't know. Anyways! I heard him cussing and he was being loud so I went outside and I heard, "You f*cking pig!" and I asked "What?"
My brother looked at me and went back inside he said, "Oh that police f*ck. He's threatening me saying he's going to bust me. He's just being a f*cking goof!"
I was like really?! What an a*s!
I am protective over my family. No matter what. And no one, and I mean no one threatens my brothers, only I can. So I went outside and I told the police officer to f*ck off and leave him alone. I tend to swear a lot when I'm really pissed off.
Than, one of my cousins called my brother over and so he walked over and that same police officer was egging him on! Tell him to come over that he's going to find a grow-up in my house and that he was going to beat him up!
I don't have a grow-up in my house and I won't ever! I mean my brother isn't to shy to the police, he's been busted quite a lot 'cause well he was a troubled teen being his father (we are half siblings but he's still my brother) died. Once he was caught for theft even though he wasn't doing anything but the guy stealing ditched him. And another was my other brother's truck didn't have a liscence and the police caught him. I remember when they had him cuffed and kneeling on the ground my brother was muttering something because he was pissed off he was being charged. He whispered "Just f*cking great" or something along those lines and the police officer whipped around and said, "What did you say?!" My brother was confused and said, "Nothing?" and that's when he started beating my brother with a baton, a lady who was listening and heard everything began yelling at the police and told him he didn't do anything.
Anyways today, when the police began yelling at my brother I was pissed right off! I mean they are nothing but a bunch of racist pigs!
Racist because they're white and I'm native, my family. They think that all natives are druggies and that everyone should be arrested.
I was sooooo effing pissed off. I swear I could've punched that cop so hard, but I didn't want to be arrested for assualt. I mean he was just hiding behind his badge. And than he actually hid in his van when he was yelling at my brothers.
Stupid goofs.
I hate the police officers.
-Very angry, offended, and pissed off Alado
Okay. The police system is supposed to serve and protect not threaten and piss off.
I am all related to the people who live around me, meaning my neighbours and all that. But anyways there was a drug bust at the house next to mine and there was atleast 10 cop cars up the road and at the house and there were two trucks blocking the road right infront of my house. What pisses me off is that my brother was standing outside looking at everything on the balcony 'cause he was curious and theres nothing wrong with that. My balcony faces the side of that neighbours house.
Anyways one of the police officers said, "I'm going to bust you next!"
I didn't hear it I was putting groceries away, when I heard my brother, who is like 28, 30 I don't know. Anyways! I heard him cussing and he was being loud so I went outside and I heard, "You f*cking pig!" and I asked "What?"
My brother looked at me and went back inside he said, "Oh that police f*ck. He's threatening me saying he's going to bust me. He's just being a f*cking goof!"
I was like really?! What an a*s!
I am protective over my family. No matter what. And no one, and I mean no one threatens my brothers, only I can. So I went outside and I told the police officer to f*ck off and leave him alone. I tend to swear a lot when I'm really pissed off.
Than, one of my cousins called my brother over and so he walked over and that same police officer was egging him on! Tell him to come over that he's going to find a grow-up in my house and that he was going to beat him up!
I don't have a grow-up in my house and I won't ever! I mean my brother isn't to shy to the police, he's been busted quite a lot 'cause well he was a troubled teen being his father (we are half siblings but he's still my brother) died. Once he was caught for theft even though he wasn't doing anything but the guy stealing ditched him. And another was my other brother's truck didn't have a liscence and the police caught him. I remember when they had him cuffed and kneeling on the ground my brother was muttering something because he was pissed off he was being charged. He whispered "Just f*cking great" or something along those lines and the police officer whipped around and said, "What did you say?!" My brother was confused and said, "Nothing?" and that's when he started beating my brother with a baton, a lady who was listening and heard everything began yelling at the police and told him he didn't do anything.
Anyways today, when the police began yelling at my brother I was pissed right off! I mean they are nothing but a bunch of racist pigs!
Racist because they're white and I'm native, my family. They think that all natives are druggies and that everyone should be arrested.
I was sooooo effing pissed off. I swear I could've punched that cop so hard, but I didn't want to be arrested for assualt. I mean he was just hiding behind his badge. And than he actually hid in his van when he was yelling at my brothers.
Stupid goofs.
I hate the police officers.
-Very angry, offended, and pissed off Alado
Sunday, 31 July 2011
Guess what?
I don't think you can.
No, you don't?
Alright, I'll tell you :3
I have a new obsession. Not hard to believe, am I right? Alado always changes her obsessions *eye roll*. Well for starters, I thought I was actually going to be in love with Colt for a very, very long time, but nope. It lasted only a week. BUMMER. Well, I always think my 'love' is going to last for a long time, but nope. It usually only lasts a week.
The week before lasts: Ryan Beatty
Last Weeks: Colt Douglas; 3 Ninjas
This weeks: You'll have to guess ;)
Guess what?
I don't think you can.
No, you don't?
Alright, I'll tell you :3
I have a new obsession. Not hard to believe, am I right? Alado always changes her obsessions *eye roll*. Well for starters, I thought I was actually going to be in love with Colt for a very, very long time, but nope. It lasted only a week. BUMMER. Well, I always think my 'love' is going to last for a long time, but nope. It usually only lasts a week.
The week before lasts: Ryan Beatty
Last Weeks: Colt Douglas; 3 Ninjas
This weeks: You'll have to guess ;)
Do you know yet? ;)
I am watching CSI: Miami all over again.. well I only watched like 50 out of 198 episodes, and I decided I wanted to watch the WHOLE CSI: Miami, all 9 seasons. I watched seasons 8 and 9, all of the episodes. I am on season 1 at the moment (ERIC DELKO IS VERY YOUNG!) and I just found out I WON'T GET TO SEE RYAN WOLFE FOR 44 EPISODES!!!! Natalia Boa Vista won't be on for another 122 episodes and THOSE TWO ARE MY FAVOURITE CHARACTERS besides Calleigh and Eric :3 But Ryan Wolfe. Not for another 44 episodes. That's horrible.
-A very agitated and crushed Alado
Monday, 25 July 2011
Hah! That title so reminds me of Call of Duty.
Anyways, I've noticed that lately my mood has been at an all time high, but than it always gets ruined.
I HATE THAT >_____<
Wanna know my latest buzzkill? No? Well to bad ;)
So, I have been a Twitter addict lately, the reason being a lot of my favourite actors and singers have Twitter, well actually a ton of celebrities do. Anyways I saw a tweet from Colton Haynes, an actor from Teen Wolf, and it said he and two of his co-stars, Tyler Posey and Dylan O'Brien were going to go on live chat and awnser questions from fans. Later they gave shoutouts and a virtual hug/kisses to the viewers. So I was overally excited and joyful that my favourite actor, Dylan O'Brien was live chatting with me. Than I watched tonights episode of Teen Wolf, I may say it was utterly AMAZING!! I tweeted the main actors/actresses a whole bunch of times during the show.
Than I tweeted Holland (can't remember her last name), Crystal Reed, Tyler Hoelchin(favourite!), Tyler Posey, Dylan O'Brien(second favourite!), and Colton Haynes and they were like on a tweeting spree, tweeting all of their fans and stuff and than I didn't get one tweet. From ANYONE. I felt so discouraged. It was a total buzzkil.
So! The question of the night is: Have you ever been over-joyed and than suddenly your mood was ruined?
Anyways, I've noticed that lately my mood has been at an all time high, but than it always gets ruined.
I HATE THAT >_____<
Wanna know my latest buzzkill? No? Well to bad ;)
So, I have been a Twitter addict lately, the reason being a lot of my favourite actors and singers have Twitter, well actually a ton of celebrities do. Anyways I saw a tweet from Colton Haynes, an actor from Teen Wolf, and it said he and two of his co-stars, Tyler Posey and Dylan O'Brien were going to go on live chat and awnser questions from fans. Later they gave shoutouts and a virtual hug/kisses to the viewers. So I was overally excited and joyful that my favourite actor, Dylan O'Brien was live chatting with me. Than I watched tonights episode of Teen Wolf, I may say it was utterly AMAZING!! I tweeted the main actors/actresses a whole bunch of times during the show.
Than I tweeted Holland (can't remember her last name), Crystal Reed, Tyler Hoelchin(favourite!), Tyler Posey, Dylan O'Brien(second favourite!), and Colton Haynes and they were like on a tweeting spree, tweeting all of their fans and stuff and than I didn't get one tweet. From ANYONE. I felt so discouraged. It was a total buzzkil.
So! The question of the night is: Have you ever been over-joyed and than suddenly your mood was ruined?
Sunday, 24 July 2011
Some things we don't talk about
Rather do without
And just hold the smile
Falling in and out of love
Ashamed and proud of
Together all the while
You can never say never
While we don't know when
But time and time again
Younger now than we were before
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Rather do without
And just hold the smile
Falling in and out of love
Ashamed and proud of
Together all the while
You can never say never
While we don't know when
But time and time again
Younger now than we were before
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Picture, you're the queen of everything
As far as the eye can see
Under your command
I will be your guardian
When all is crumbling
To steady your hand
You can never say never
While we don't know when
Time, time, time again
Younger now than we were before
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
We're pulling apart and coming together again and again
We're growing apart but we pull it together, pull it together, together again
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
This song means so much to me. It reminds me so, so, so, so much of my grandma and grandpa. My grandpa died when I was 5 and my grandma died when I was 9. They both died of cancer and I miss them so much! I heard this song on CSI: Miami 'Happy Birthday' and I almost started crying. When I searched it up on YouTube I did start crying.
As far as the eye can see
Under your command
I will be your guardian
When all is crumbling
To steady your hand
You can never say never
While we don't know when
Time, time, time again
Younger now than we were before
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
We're pulling apart and coming together again and again
We're growing apart but we pull it together, pull it together, together again
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
This song means so much to me. It reminds me so, so, so, so much of my grandma and grandpa. My grandpa died when I was 5 and my grandma died when I was 9. They both died of cancer and I miss them so much! I heard this song on CSI: Miami 'Happy Birthday' and I almost started crying. When I searched it up on YouTube I did start crying.
Do you have any songs that you like for certain reasons or anything like that?
Saturday, 23 July 2011
Facebook, Late Nights, Blogger
You know how I've been sort of inactive? Like I haven't been on any cboxes lately and it seems to be that it takes along time for me to comment/create posts?
Well I may no of a few reasons why...
Twitter. I've noticed I've been on it 9/7. Nine hours a day seven days a week, being I sleep most of the day. I mean I met a couple new people that are BTR-crazed like me and this one girl who loves Rocky as well! And I spent three hours straight on ustream, talking to a radio host, and listening to nothing but BTR on there. I also go on tinychat. In March I used to go on tinychat every night talking to my "It's tipnipsiptit time" family until the host, Jazzy got made and I thought it became inactive. So I went on it again, and I found out my friend Ashley, and our friend Taylor were banned, so I went to check it out at the tinychat group and sure enough they were because Jazzy thought Taylor was being mean to this guy 'cause he asked for a follow-back on Twitter. Anyways Jazzy thought I saw saying crap and she banned me. I laughed. So I'm starting to go on tinychat more now.
Facebook. People who have my facebook might not see me on but that's because I'm on my fake one. Where I can rp and stuff. It's fun! I have a new best friend on FB, her names Dove Paw and were in a pokemon RP group and a ranch and many others together.
And that's basically it. I haven't even gotten time to write more chapters in any books and I haven't watched 3 Ninjas in three days!!! Not including tonight. Tonight I finally began watching it.
Also, another reason is I stay up 'til way passed 4am and I don't wake up until 2-2:30pm...
.Sorry >_<
It's my favourite so far! :P
Quotes (that are filling up my fake facebook):
Thug: Kids don't belong here!
Jeff: And gorillas belong at the Zoo!
Thug2: Which one of you is first?
Sam: Does it matter? You can't count passed one anyway
Gotta love them! ♥
Colt: So you don't really like her or anything right Rock?
Rocky: Who?
Colt: Her,Jo.
Rocky: Nah,well. She's alright.
Colt: Good cause,you know thinking about girls and stuff can distract a ninja's concentration. *crash* Woah!! Ah!!
Rocky: Colt!! *stops and runs to him* Are you alright?
Tum Tum: I guess it can distract YOUR concentration. *smiles*
Justin Bieber did not create the hair flip. JEFFREY DOUGLAS DID IN 1992 ;)
Damn Mustangs, playing baseball dirty. First hitting below the belt now throwing sand in someones eyes. Hah! Now your getting your butts kicked, that's right, by a girl.
Ninja1: *pulls out katana*
Ninja2: *pulls out katana*
Ninja3: *pulls out cellphone*
Jeff: What are you gonna do, talk us to death?
Well I may no of a few reasons why...
Twitter. I've noticed I've been on it 9/7. Nine hours a day seven days a week, being I sleep most of the day. I mean I met a couple new people that are BTR-crazed like me and this one girl who loves Rocky as well! And I spent three hours straight on ustream, talking to a radio host, and listening to nothing but BTR on there. I also go on tinychat. In March I used to go on tinychat every night talking to my "It's tipnipsiptit time" family until the host, Jazzy got made and I thought it became inactive. So I went on it again, and I found out my friend Ashley, and our friend Taylor were banned, so I went to check it out at the tinychat group and sure enough they were because Jazzy thought Taylor was being mean to this guy 'cause he asked for a follow-back on Twitter. Anyways Jazzy thought I saw saying crap and she banned me. I laughed. So I'm starting to go on tinychat more now.
Facebook. People who have my facebook might not see me on but that's because I'm on my fake one. Where I can rp and stuff. It's fun! I have a new best friend on FB, her names Dove Paw and were in a pokemon RP group and a ranch and many others together.
And that's basically it. I haven't even gotten time to write more chapters in any books and I haven't watched 3 Ninjas in three days!!! Not including tonight. Tonight I finally began watching it.
Also, another reason is I stay up 'til way passed 4am and I don't wake up until 2-2:30pm...
.Sorry >_<
It's my favourite so far! :P
Quotes (that are filling up my fake facebook):
Thug: Kids don't belong here!
Jeff: And gorillas belong at the Zoo!
Thug2: Which one of you is first?
Sam: Does it matter? You can't count passed one anyway
Gotta love them! ♥
Colt: So you don't really like her or anything right Rock?
Rocky: Who?
Colt: Her,Jo.
Rocky: Nah,well. She's alright.
Colt: Good cause,you know thinking about girls and stuff can distract a ninja's concentration. *crash* Woah!! Ah!!
Rocky: Colt!! *stops and runs to him* Are you alright?
Tum Tum: I guess it can distract YOUR concentration. *smiles*
Justin Bieber did not create the hair flip. JEFFREY DOUGLAS DID IN 1992 ;)
Damn Mustangs, playing baseball dirty. First hitting below the belt now throwing sand in someones eyes. Hah! Now your getting your butts kicked, that's right, by a girl.
Ninja1: *pulls out katana*
Ninja2: *pulls out katana*
Ninja3: *pulls out cellphone*
Jeff: What are you gonna do, talk us to death?
Mio: *misses baseball*
Jeff: Maybe she should stick to Ninja
Sam: Shut up.
Mio: *keeps missing baseball* He told me to come back when I learn to catch. Because of ninja I am good at swinging butt
Michael: What?
...Mio: You know, swing my butt
Michael: You mean your bat
Mio: Yes my butt
Michael: *eye roll*
Jeff: Maybe she should stick to Ninja
Sam: Shut up.
Mio: *keeps missing baseball* He told me to come back when I learn to catch. Because of ninja I am good at swinging butt
Michael: What?
...Mio: You know, swing my butt
Michael: You mean your bat
Mio: Yes my butt
Michael: *eye roll*
Michael: Colt got beat by a girl! Colt got beat by a girl!
Jeff: I can still beat you!
Michael: Shut up Spazz!
Mio: You were a worthy opponent Spazz
Jeff: Er.. uh.. that's not my nam-
Mio: This is my mother!
Jeff: *facepalm*
Jeff: I can still beat you!
Michael: Shut up Spazz!
Mio: You were a worthy opponent Spazz
Jeff: Er.. uh.. that's not my nam-
Mio: This is my mother!
Jeff: *facepalm*
Sam: Ah.. sure. Colt play the recording!
Worker: 3 seats this afternoon to..
Mori: Tokyo
Worker: Yes! So I have your authorization? It comes to a total of $11,364
Mori: OW! You vampire!
...Worker: I'm sorry I don't set the price
Mori: Ugly witch!
Worker: Oh yeah! You know what you are-?!
Sam: Good-bye!
Worker: 3 seats this afternoon to..
Mori: Tokyo
Worker: Yes! So I have your authorization? It comes to a total of $11,364
Mori: OW! You vampire!
...Worker: I'm sorry I don't set the price
Mori: Ugly witch!
Worker: Oh yeah! You know what you are-?!
Sam: Good-bye!
Mori: I'm at a mercy of a witch posing as a nurse who doesn't speak english
Sam: Are you alright?
Mori: I'm oka- *nurse squeezes hurt leg* OW! You vampire!
Sam: Grandpa?
Mori: I'm at a fine hospital. Except for this wicked nurse with the face like a dragon's butt
Nurse: *raises hurt leg*
More: OW!
Nurse: Some people do understand english Mr. Shintaro!
Sam: Are you alright?
Mori: I'm oka- *nurse squeezes hurt leg* OW! You vampire!
Sam: Grandpa?
Mori: I'm at a fine hospital. Except for this wicked nurse with the face like a dragon's butt
Nurse: *raises hurt leg*
More: OW!
Nurse: Some people do understand english Mr. Shintaro!
Snyder: Am I a nice guy or what?
Jeff: Your a geek
Everyone: *snickers*
Snyder: *frowns*
Jeff: Your a geek
Everyone: *snickers*
Snyder: *frowns*
Michael: Hey you guys! Found a new stash of jelly beans!
Jeff: Goodnight Rocky. Goodnight Tum Tum
Michael: Goodnight Colt
Sam: Goodnight you guys!
...Michael: *cough* *cough* Choked on a jelly bean!
Sam & Colt: *laugh*
Jeff: Goodnight Rocky. Goodnight Tum Tum
Michael: Goodnight Colt
Sam: Goodnight you guys!
...Michael: *cough* *cough* Choked on a jelly bean!
Sam & Colt: *laugh*
Jeff: I'm not Jeffrey
Sam: and I'm not Sam!
Michael: and I'm not Michael!
Samuel: What?
Jeff: I'm Colt 'cause I'm fast, he's Rocky 'cause he's solid, and he's Tum Tum 'cause well.... he'll eat anything
Michael: I won't eat dog poop!
Sam: and I'm not Sam!
Michael: and I'm not Michael!
Samuel: What?
Jeff: I'm Colt 'cause I'm fast, he's Rocky 'cause he's solid, and he's Tum Tum 'cause well.... he'll eat anything
Michael: I won't eat dog poop!
Michael: What about me? Can I be Monster Destroyer, or how about Super Killer?!
Jeff: How about Super Dork!
Michael: Shut up Spazz.
Do you have any favourite quotes from movies/books/etc?
~~Alado loves Rocky and Colt
Jeff: How about Super Dork!
Michael: Shut up Spazz.
Do you have any favourite quotes from movies/books/etc?
~~Alado loves Rocky and Colt
Tuesday, 19 July 2011
Yes... again :P
Okay, I just can't help myself, whenever I have ideas... well I use them! For example, the Silver Crest Ranch blog, that was an idea I had when I was watching a movie with horses.
Well the day before yesterday I was reading the Charlie Bone series and an idea popped into my head. Why not make a Bloor's Academy blog?
The first one I created was last year and only one person joined, Butterflyclaw. It eventually became inactive due to the fact that I had no internet and no one really new about the book series. But low and behold I have become quite the blogger, being way better than I was when I first joined, so I explained it more and this time you can join as whoever you want or a character that is in the books. Trust me, there is a lot to pick from, both good as well as evil.
Well enough of this rambling. If you would like to join, and really, I'd appreciate it, than you can join at this link :)
Bloor's Academy
Thank ya!
-Alado loves Rocky and Colt
Well the day before yesterday I was reading the Charlie Bone series and an idea popped into my head. Why not make a Bloor's Academy blog?
The first one I created was last year and only one person joined, Butterflyclaw. It eventually became inactive due to the fact that I had no internet and no one really new about the book series. But low and behold I have become quite the blogger, being way better than I was when I first joined, so I explained it more and this time you can join as whoever you want or a character that is in the books. Trust me, there is a lot to pick from, both good as well as evil.
Well enough of this rambling. If you would like to join, and really, I'd appreciate it, than you can join at this link :)
Bloor's Academy
Thank ya!
-Alado loves Rocky and Colt
Friday, 15 July 2011
Happy Birthday!
Well, tomorrow is James Maslow's birthday :)
I created him a little something and I hope he will see it under all the lg postings >:(
Yeah... I'm a loser, but I DON'T CARE XD
I created him a little something and I hope he will see it under all the lg postings >:(
Yeah... I'm a loser, but I DON'T CARE XD
Thursday, 14 July 2011
Another Movie
This post is about another movie.
I grew up watching it and from what I remember is, when I was younger I developed a little crush on two of the actors (who are both now in their 30's XD) Colt (Max Elliot Slade) and Rocky (Michael Treanor).
The movie is called the 3 Ninjas, I highly recommend it. It's hilarious, and I can't believe I forgot about for six years!
(From left to right [picture from the first movie])
Rocky, Tum-Tum, Colt
The three boys go to their grandfather's cabin every summer and they practice Kung Fu and such.
You can watch movies on youtube.
The first movie and part one of it is called
3 Ninjas Part 1 and the youtube uploader is SupernaturallyFreak
Also, today I watched the third movie. 3 Ninjas Knuckle Up, one of my all time favourites because they're a little older. I still had a crush on Rocky and Colt, more so of Colt in the third movie than Rocky. I don't know why. The third one is about Natives, or Indians who are protesting that people should stop dumping stuff in the land and it's like nuclear waste or something, I'm not sure. And this little Indian girl named Jo gets pushed around by the bad guy at this pizza parlor and Colt and Tum Tum go to fight him off and I remember I used to love that part because Colt XD. Anyways they try and defeat the bad guys and of course they do with their amazing ninja skills.
(from left to right [picture from third movie])
Rocky, Tum Tum, Colt
I grew up watching it and from what I remember is, when I was younger I developed a little crush on two of the actors (who are both now in their 30's XD) Colt (Max Elliot Slade) and Rocky (Michael Treanor).
The movie is called the 3 Ninjas, I highly recommend it. It's hilarious, and I can't believe I forgot about for six years!
(From left to right [picture from the first movie])
Rocky, Tum-Tum, Colt
The three boys go to their grandfather's cabin every summer and they practice Kung Fu and such.
You can watch movies on youtube.
The first movie and part one of it is called
3 Ninjas Part 1 and the youtube uploader is SupernaturallyFreak
Also, today I watched the third movie. 3 Ninjas Knuckle Up, one of my all time favourites because they're a little older. I still had a crush on Rocky and Colt, more so of Colt in the third movie than Rocky. I don't know why. The third one is about Natives, or Indians who are protesting that people should stop dumping stuff in the land and it's like nuclear waste or something, I'm not sure. And this little Indian girl named Jo gets pushed around by the bad guy at this pizza parlor and Colt and Tum Tum go to fight him off and I remember I used to love that part because Colt XD. Anyways they try and defeat the bad guys and of course they do with their amazing ninja skills.
(from left to right [picture from third movie])
Rocky, Tum Tum, Colt
Tuesday, 12 July 2011
So, my cousin Curtis slept over, he's my neighbour and I've known him since he was five and he's... I think twelve now.. I can't be sure, I'm not good with ages. Anyways he slept over and what we usually do is watch movies until 6am and than wake up at 1pm. We watched one movie. S.W.A.T and what I have to say about it....
I mean I love action movies, my personal favourites are 16 Blocks with Bruce Willis, Taken with Liam Neeson, The Hurt Locker with who knows, and S.W.A.T! ![]()
Basically Jim Street (My favourite character!) and his former partner Brian Gamble were told to 'hold' their position when they were sneaking into the bank, but Gamble didn't listen and Jim followed him. Gamble than shot a woman that the bank robber was holding up for a hostage, leaving her to sue the city. Gamble didn't want to be "Fuller's b**ch" anymore and left the squadrent, Jim on the other hand new he worked hard to become S.W.A.T and when he was kicked off the force he worked ina gun cage for 6 months until "Hondo" found him and recruited him on his new team. Anyways, there was this total idiot, Alex Montell, who was in for multiple crimes in many different countries. Eventually T.J, Streets own team mate was forced to take sides and when he was offered the $100 million Montell promised to his rescuers, he couldn't refuse and took the bad side along with Gamble. Leaving Gamble to shoot Boxer (another team mate) and T.J to feel remorse. Fleeing they rescued Montell and were about to get away when Hondo, Sanchez, Deke, and Street to beat the bad guys and leaving Gamble as well as T.Jto be sent away in a body bag.
1. Sgt. Daniel 'Hondo' Harrelson (Samuel L. Jackson)
2. Jim Street (Colin Farrel <3)
3. Deacon 'Deke' Kay (LL Cool J)
4. Chris Sanchez (Michelle Rodriguez)
5. Michael Boxer (Brian Van Holt)
6. TJ McCabe (Josh Charles)
7. Brian Gamble (Jeremy Renner)
Best. Movie. Ever.
Well probably not but I watched it before and forgot how good it was!
1. Sgt. Daniel 'Hondo' Harrelson (Samuel L. Jackson)
2. Jim Street (Colin Farrel <3)
3. Deacon 'Deke' Kay (LL Cool J)
4. Chris Sanchez (Michelle Rodriguez)
5. Michael Boxer (Brian Van Holt)
6. TJ McCabe (Josh Charles)
7. Brian Gamble (Jeremy Renner)
Sunday, 10 July 2011
New Blog
So, last night I was watching Shrek 2, when Fiona's father rode to the bar thingy to get Puss in Boots to 'take care' of the ogre. He was riding a horse than I'm like, hey... I don't have a blog about horsies! I want a blog that has horses. Than I thought more about it, and I was like HAH! MacFarlane's Ranch from Red Dead Redemption, I love riding horses there, and than I was like yep. I'm creating a horse blog.
So here it is
Silver Crest Ranch
So here it is
Silver Crest Ranch
Saturday, 9 July 2011
Lately I've been remembering mine, usually I don't. Maybe it's because I go to bed really late, like after 5:00am and I'm always woken up at like 10:00am because my family is up, than I go back to bed and I wake up for good at around 1:30pm. Yeah, I think because I'm woken up in the middle of my sleep I continue my dream and remember it... well two days ago... this was my dream:
I guess I was playing capture the flag outside and my ex boyfriend, who I still have like.. | | that much feelings for still went to sit down on some random person's front lawn which was a slight slope, so I sat down beside my cousin Hector (I don't even know why he was there! I can't stand the kid!). Than Zach (my ex) disappears.. (my dreams are random) and I was woken up by my family, than I went back to bed and my dream continued and instead of my ex, it was my bestest guy friend Willard sitting there, and slowly Hector was disappearing, than suddenly we weren't outside, we were in a hair salon in a mall. And I ran out, for who knows what reason and than I came back and the hair salon suddenly turned into an indoor pool at the mall, and I jumped in, Willard disappeared and soon the pool was filled with like a million olympic swimmers in training, and they were being told to do laps and you had to hurry or you'd be trampled by the swimmers, and I have no idea why I was slow, but I was, (I'm a pretty fast swimmer, being native you are basically BORN in the water XD) and than I was stepped on and I tried to swim back to the surface and I was running out of air and I burst through the surfaces and I woke up gasping for air.. in my sleep I was actually holding my breath xD
My dream last night...:
I don't even know HOW it started...but I guess I was camping, and than suddenly the boys from Big Time Rush appear, we are friends and they aren't famous to me and I don't love them like I do out of the dream world. Anyways we were camping and I guess I was growing close to James Maslow, from BTR. (I don't even know why him? Do I secretly love him? I've always been Team Kogan! [Kenall and Logan]) Than we were like chilling on an air mattress or something and I was laying on his arm, and his arm was around me. Don't ask... and he wasn't 20, he was 17! Only two years older than me, that's not bad. Anyways we had to pack up and I guess I didn't want to ruin are friendship or something and I was upset and I went to pack up my stuff in my tent and I was laying on the air mattress and I saw this green flowere blanket, we have two in our house, one is green and the other is green-blue and I only use the green-blue one and I was all like "WHAT THE HECK IS THE GREEN BLANKET DOING HERE?" and than suddenly my step dad appears lying on my air mattress and I'm like all "Hey Dad!" and than we leave to go on a boat to go back to the mainland (I guess we were camping on an island, not tropical, just a regular cedar tree island) and I tried to talk to James and I think there was about to be a kiss and than
My brother walks into my bedroom and wakes me up. "Where's the kitty?" he says and looks around my blankets when I'm clearly saying "He's not in here get out of my room before I hurt you!" and than I try to go back to my dream but nope... I can't sleep so I wake up for good.
Yes... my dreams are random and weird but I think it's something to do with what I watch/hear before I go to bed. I was watching The Bachelor and talking about my dad last night, so that's probably why my step dad was randomly in my dream and I also watched a Big Time Rush episode, one that I missed two weeks ago.. soo...
Now, you, (Amber, your the only one who comments on my silly posts) tell me what kind of dreams you have, are they weird, scary, funny, romantic etc.
-Alado... who is apparently in love with James Maslow...
Lately I've been remembering mine, usually I don't. Maybe it's because I go to bed really late, like after 5:00am and I'm always woken up at like 10:00am because my family is up, than I go back to bed and I wake up for good at around 1:30pm. Yeah, I think because I'm woken up in the middle of my sleep I continue my dream and remember it... well two days ago... this was my dream:
I guess I was playing capture the flag outside and my ex boyfriend, who I still have like.. | | that much feelings for still went to sit down on some random person's front lawn which was a slight slope, so I sat down beside my cousin Hector (I don't even know why he was there! I can't stand the kid!). Than Zach (my ex) disappears.. (my dreams are random) and I was woken up by my family, than I went back to bed and my dream continued and instead of my ex, it was my bestest guy friend Willard sitting there, and slowly Hector was disappearing, than suddenly we weren't outside, we were in a hair salon in a mall. And I ran out, for who knows what reason and than I came back and the hair salon suddenly turned into an indoor pool at the mall, and I jumped in, Willard disappeared and soon the pool was filled with like a million olympic swimmers in training, and they were being told to do laps and you had to hurry or you'd be trampled by the swimmers, and I have no idea why I was slow, but I was, (I'm a pretty fast swimmer, being native you are basically BORN in the water XD) and than I was stepped on and I tried to swim back to the surface and I was running out of air and I burst through the surfaces and I woke up gasping for air.. in my sleep I was actually holding my breath xD
My dream last night...:
I don't even know HOW it started...but I guess I was camping, and than suddenly the boys from Big Time Rush appear, we are friends and they aren't famous to me and I don't love them like I do out of the dream world. Anyways we were camping and I guess I was growing close to James Maslow, from BTR. (I don't even know why him? Do I secretly love him? I've always been Team Kogan! [Kenall and Logan]) Than we were like chilling on an air mattress or something and I was laying on his arm, and his arm was around me. Don't ask... and he wasn't 20, he was 17! Only two years older than me, that's not bad. Anyways we had to pack up and I guess I didn't want to ruin are friendship or something and I was upset and I went to pack up my stuff in my tent and I was laying on the air mattress and I saw this green flowere blanket, we have two in our house, one is green and the other is green-blue and I only use the green-blue one and I was all like "WHAT THE HECK IS THE GREEN BLANKET DOING HERE?" and than suddenly my step dad appears lying on my air mattress and I'm like all "Hey Dad!" and than we leave to go on a boat to go back to the mainland (I guess we were camping on an island, not tropical, just a regular cedar tree island) and I tried to talk to James and I think there was about to be a kiss and than
My brother walks into my bedroom and wakes me up. "Where's the kitty?" he says and looks around my blankets when I'm clearly saying "He's not in here get out of my room before I hurt you!" and than I try to go back to my dream but nope... I can't sleep so I wake up for good.
Yes... my dreams are random and weird but I think it's something to do with what I watch/hear before I go to bed. I was watching The Bachelor and talking about my dad last night, so that's probably why my step dad was randomly in my dream and I also watched a Big Time Rush episode, one that I missed two weeks ago.. soo...
Now, you, (Amber, your the only one who comments on my silly posts) tell me what kind of dreams you have, are they weird, scary, funny, romantic etc.
-Alado... who is apparently in love with James Maslow...
Friday, 8 July 2011
You wanna know how I'm feeling?
My bad attitude, my rudeness, my sarcasm. Everything. I found the reason why I am so badly emotioned.
My father.
I was watching the Bachelor, 'cause it's 12:44am and I think it's the season 11, first episode and the bachelor guy, Brad was talking about how he was commitment-phobic and he went to see a therapist and the reason was, because he never saw his father.
Exact words:
"I found an incredible therapist and we really analyzed the reasons behind my phobia of commitment, definitely have trust issues. We talked about how my father wasn't around much at all, my father let me down more times than I can count, and hell yes it makes me closed off because that hurts. I don't know if I've ever let someone know the real me because when I give my all to somebody and I'm let down, I revert back to that feeling of when my father told me he was going to pick my brother and I up for a day out and I didn't hear from him for 5 years. I've realized that the majority of my life I've been a very, very closed of individual, only because I want to push people away before they can hurt me and it's such a sad way to live. All that 'tough guy' stuff is just a fisaude and it took a lot of therapy and it look a lot of time but I've learned that the only way I'm only going to truly fall in love is to be vulnerable, to open up my heart."
That is exactly what is wrong with me.
My father left when I was 3 years old. I never spoke to him for 10 years! He finally got up the nerve to call for me and my brother, he asked if we wanted to spend the day with him, to get to catch up on the years we missed together, and than... he didn't phone back, he didn't message us, he didn't get us. I was let down. Crushed. Angry. Upset. There were too many emotions for me to handle I completely closed myself off. 2 years later he added me on facebook and he messages me from time to time saying Happy St. Patrick's Day, or Happy Birthday, or Merry Christmas, but not once did he ask how I've been, or ask if I was ever angry at him. He's an idiot and I legit don't care about him AT ALL. He's not my father. I don't even call him 'Dad'. I call him by his first name, my twin brother on the other hand is always trying to talk to him, trying to get him to notice him. I kind of feel sorry, because my brother's hopes are always so high when he talks to... him and he's always let down.
It actually breaks my heart to actually see his name.
Am I hurt?
Do I wish I could close myself off from everybody?
But I won't anymore. I will tell my mom I want to see a therapist so I can let myself out of this closet called hell.
For you who don't understand how upset I am at the moment, don't understand me. But I don't blame you, you've never known the real me. No one has. Not even my own mother.
It's time for a change.
I won't let my dad into my life at all. If he messages me or calls me I won't answer.
My real dad, isn't a dad. My step dad, who my mom separated with, is my one and only dad.
He is the only father figure in my eyes. He hasn't ever left me and he calls me every week and I see him whenever I can.
This little post has finally opened me up. For once in what seems like months, have I cried. I hate my father for doing this too me. For making me a closed off person, for turning me into a cold hearted girl. Not anymore....
Episode of the Bachelor: http://www.megavideo.com/?d=D6LV2BAB
My bad attitude, my rudeness, my sarcasm. Everything. I found the reason why I am so badly emotioned.
My father.
I was watching the Bachelor, 'cause it's 12:44am and I think it's the season 11, first episode and the bachelor guy, Brad was talking about how he was commitment-phobic and he went to see a therapist and the reason was, because he never saw his father.
Exact words:
"I found an incredible therapist and we really analyzed the reasons behind my phobia of commitment, definitely have trust issues. We talked about how my father wasn't around much at all, my father let me down more times than I can count, and hell yes it makes me closed off because that hurts. I don't know if I've ever let someone know the real me because when I give my all to somebody and I'm let down, I revert back to that feeling of when my father told me he was going to pick my brother and I up for a day out and I didn't hear from him for 5 years. I've realized that the majority of my life I've been a very, very closed of individual, only because I want to push people away before they can hurt me and it's such a sad way to live. All that 'tough guy' stuff is just a fisaude and it took a lot of therapy and it look a lot of time but I've learned that the only way I'm only going to truly fall in love is to be vulnerable, to open up my heart."
That is exactly what is wrong with me.
My father left when I was 3 years old. I never spoke to him for 10 years! He finally got up the nerve to call for me and my brother, he asked if we wanted to spend the day with him, to get to catch up on the years we missed together, and than... he didn't phone back, he didn't message us, he didn't get us. I was let down. Crushed. Angry. Upset. There were too many emotions for me to handle I completely closed myself off. 2 years later he added me on facebook and he messages me from time to time saying Happy St. Patrick's Day, or Happy Birthday, or Merry Christmas, but not once did he ask how I've been, or ask if I was ever angry at him. He's an idiot and I legit don't care about him AT ALL. He's not my father. I don't even call him 'Dad'. I call him by his first name, my twin brother on the other hand is always trying to talk to him, trying to get him to notice him. I kind of feel sorry, because my brother's hopes are always so high when he talks to... him and he's always let down.
It actually breaks my heart to actually see his name.
Am I hurt?
Do I wish I could close myself off from everybody?
But I won't anymore. I will tell my mom I want to see a therapist so I can let myself out of this closet called hell.
For you who don't understand how upset I am at the moment, don't understand me. But I don't blame you, you've never known the real me. No one has. Not even my own mother.
It's time for a change.
I won't let my dad into my life at all. If he messages me or calls me I won't answer.
My real dad, isn't a dad. My step dad, who my mom separated with, is my one and only dad.
He is the only father figure in my eyes. He hasn't ever left me and he calls me every week and I see him whenever I can.
This little post has finally opened me up. For once in what seems like months, have I cried. I hate my father for doing this too me. For making me a closed off person, for turning me into a cold hearted girl. Not anymore....
Episode of the Bachelor: http://www.megavideo.com/?d=D6LV2BAB
Wednesday, 6 July 2011
Grow a- Calm down, Alado...
You know what really ticks me off?
I mean, my friend (not really anymore), Jared, they guy I used to like and a deeply dislike..
Well we talked and he told me he still liked me and stuff, and I told him I possibly liked him back, and than he asked if we could possibly have a thing when school starts in September and I said possibly, because I don't know who I may still be friends with.
He was like yeah okay I totally get it.
I didn't think he was a pig, though I should've known it 'cause in May he like falcon punched my butt, I whipped around and glared at him, but I didn't say anything 'cause my twin brother was upfront and he would've beat up the kid.
Anyways, I shook that off and than he said:
Would you have sex with anyone?
I was like, SERIOUSLY? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? In my head. What I said was like. "Uhm... NO."
and he asked why I said:
1. It's disgusting and disturbing
2. I'm not a sl*t
3. I wouldn't do it with just anyone, and especially not when I'm fifteen
4. No.
1. It's not disgusting
2. you wouldn't be a sl*t
3. I'm not just anyone ;)
4. Yes
I was literally like: Can I fricken slap you? No joke.
But I completely ignored him and all the feelings I've ever felt for him suddenly disappeared and I felt utterly disgusted for even liking him!
I thought he was a nice kid! He even told me he changed! No. He did not.
And than on the last day of school (this was a couple weeks ago) he asked my best friend when she was sitting down for the exams, "You can sit on my lap," and he was dead serious. She was disturbed.
And than right after the exam he sees me with my friend Cindy and he's trying to get hugs out of us but I just stood there and finally he gave me a hug and I kind of let my arms hang to my side 'cause I don't even like this kid as a friend anymore!
And than like five minutes ago, on facebook I asked, "Hey, are you mad at me or something?" and he logged off! It ticks me off!
And than he made a status update five minutes later and it didn't say he was on. He made himself appear offline so he wouldn't have to talk to me 'cause I "hurt his feelings" since I didn't hug him back.
Guys and their piggish ways, they will never change.
I mean, my friend (not really anymore), Jared, they guy I used to like and a deeply dislike..
Well we talked and he told me he still liked me and stuff, and I told him I possibly liked him back, and than he asked if we could possibly have a thing when school starts in September and I said possibly, because I don't know who I may still be friends with.
He was like yeah okay I totally get it.
I didn't think he was a pig, though I should've known it 'cause in May he like falcon punched my butt, I whipped around and glared at him, but I didn't say anything 'cause my twin brother was upfront and he would've beat up the kid.
Anyways, I shook that off and than he said:
Would you have sex with anyone?
I was like, SERIOUSLY? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? In my head. What I said was like. "Uhm... NO."
and he asked why I said:
1. It's disgusting and disturbing
2. I'm not a sl*t
3. I wouldn't do it with just anyone, and especially not when I'm fifteen
4. No.
1. It's not disgusting
2. you wouldn't be a sl*t
3. I'm not just anyone ;)
4. Yes
I was literally like: Can I fricken slap you? No joke.
But I completely ignored him and all the feelings I've ever felt for him suddenly disappeared and I felt utterly disgusted for even liking him!
I thought he was a nice kid! He even told me he changed! No. He did not.
And than on the last day of school (this was a couple weeks ago) he asked my best friend when she was sitting down for the exams, "You can sit on my lap," and he was dead serious. She was disturbed.
And than right after the exam he sees me with my friend Cindy and he's trying to get hugs out of us but I just stood there and finally he gave me a hug and I kind of let my arms hang to my side 'cause I don't even like this kid as a friend anymore!
And than like five minutes ago, on facebook I asked, "Hey, are you mad at me or something?" and he logged off! It ticks me off!
And than he made a status update five minutes later and it didn't say he was on. He made himself appear offline so he wouldn't have to talk to me 'cause I "hurt his feelings" since I didn't hug him back.
Guys and their piggish ways, they will never change.
Everyone in the world has atleast one fear, whether they are hiding it or not.
Fears are what keeps people from being too perfect, or too brave. Personally, I have a lot of fears, because of well... things that happened to me in my childhood.
For example, I'm afraid of spiders because I used to watch 8-Legged Freaks a lot when I was a kid, it's actually a pretty intense show.
I'm afraid of heights because I fell out of a tree when I was 6.
I'm afraid of bikes because I crashed last summer and broke my collarbone and opposite wrist.
I'm afraid of someone coming into my house so I lock the doors every night due to the fact that someone tried breaking into my twins brother room last year and they had machetes and bear mace.
I'm afraid of people popping up because of the scary movies I was forced to watch when I was 3+.
It's weird. I'm afraid of bikes but not snakes. I actually love holding them, as well as I'm not afraid of bears and cougars. There is a lot around my house. Earlier today their was a bear spotted and a cougar and her two cubs. Apparently the cougar mother was huge! They've been spotted a lot as well. Anyways, what I'd like to know is your fears and why you are afraid of them!
Fears are what keeps people from being too perfect, or too brave. Personally, I have a lot of fears, because of well... things that happened to me in my childhood.
For example, I'm afraid of spiders because I used to watch 8-Legged Freaks a lot when I was a kid, it's actually a pretty intense show.
I'm afraid of heights because I fell out of a tree when I was 6.
I'm afraid of bikes because I crashed last summer and broke my collarbone and opposite wrist.
I'm afraid of someone coming into my house so I lock the doors every night due to the fact that someone tried breaking into my twins brother room last year and they had machetes and bear mace.
I'm afraid of people popping up because of the scary movies I was forced to watch when I was 3+.
It's weird. I'm afraid of bikes but not snakes. I actually love holding them, as well as I'm not afraid of bears and cougars. There is a lot around my house. Earlier today their was a bear spotted and a cougar and her two cubs. Apparently the cougar mother was huge! They've been spotted a lot as well. Anyways, what I'd like to know is your fears and why you are afraid of them!
Tuesday, 5 July 2011
Well, she was precious like a flower
She grew wild, wild but innocent
A perfect prayer in a desperate hour
She was everything beautiful and different
Stupid boy, you can't fence that in
Stupid boy, it's like holdin' back the wind
She laid her heart and soul right in your hands
And you stole her every dream and you crushed her plans
She never even knew she had a choice and that's what happens
When the only voice she hears is telling her she can't
Stupid boy, stupid boy
So what made you think you could take a life
And just push it, push it around?
I guess to build yourself up so high
You had to take her and break her down
Well, she laid her heart and soul right in your hands
And you stole her every dream and you crushed her plans
She never even knew she had a choice and that's what happens
When the only voice she hears is telling her she can't
She grew wild, wild but innocent
A perfect prayer in a desperate hour
She was everything beautiful and different
Stupid boy, you can't fence that in
Stupid boy, it's like holdin' back the wind
She laid her heart and soul right in your hands
And you stole her every dream and you crushed her plans
She never even knew she had a choice and that's what happens
When the only voice she hears is telling her she can't
Stupid boy, stupid boy
So what made you think you could take a life
And just push it, push it around?
I guess to build yourself up so high
You had to take her and break her down
Well, she laid her heart and soul right in your hands
And you stole her every dream and you crushed her plans
She never even knew she had a choice and that's what happens
When the only voice she hears is telling her she can't
You stupid boy, oh, you always had to be right
But now you lost the only thing
That ever made you feel alive
Yeah, yeah
Well, she laid her heart and soul right in your hands, yeah
And you stole her every dream and you crushed her plans, yes, you did
She never even knew she had a choice and that's what happens
When the only voice she hears is telling her she can't
You stupid boy
Oh, I'm the same old, same old stupid boy
It took a while for her to figure out
She could run but when she did
She was long gone, long gone
But now you lost the only thing
That ever made you feel alive
Yeah, yeah
Well, she laid her heart and soul right in your hands, yeah
And you stole her every dream and you crushed her plans, yes, you did
She never even knew she had a choice and that's what happens
When the only voice she hears is telling her she can't
You stupid boy
Oh, I'm the same old, same old stupid boy
It took a while for her to figure out
She could run but when she did
She was long gone, long gone
I don't know but I really love this song. It kind of means a lot too me, being I've had a lot of experiance's with well... Stupid Boys.
Comment, I'd love to hear what you think!
Tuesday, 28 June 2011
Stupid Mistakes
You know what really peeves me off?
Well not all people but the pot heads and the drunks and the druggies.
I mean I'm not judging but my cousin ran away because her little stupid iPod was stolen. It isn't even a new one. It is an iPod touch but the screen is cracked and it looks like s**t.
Sorry for the starred out cuss words. I'm really agitated.
I mean before she got the damn thing we were close. Like sisters, we told each other everything, but now since she's had it she's been hanging out with the wrong people.
Skipping the last weeks of school, smoking weed, getting high, getting drunk. I really want to slap her.
I mean she even boasts about it on facebook! It disgusts me!
Yep, so she's being looked for by the cops and family members and I hope she gets in big trouble. She deserves it.
Ah. Sorry.
My temper gets the best of me. I guess we all change..
Well not all people but the pot heads and the drunks and the druggies.
I mean I'm not judging but my cousin ran away because her little stupid iPod was stolen. It isn't even a new one. It is an iPod touch but the screen is cracked and it looks like s**t.
Sorry for the starred out cuss words. I'm really agitated.
I mean before she got the damn thing we were close. Like sisters, we told each other everything, but now since she's had it she's been hanging out with the wrong people.
Skipping the last weeks of school, smoking weed, getting high, getting drunk. I really want to slap her.
I mean she even boasts about it on facebook! It disgusts me!
Yep, so she's being looked for by the cops and family members and I hope she gets in big trouble. She deserves it.
Ah. Sorry.
My temper gets the best of me. I guess we all change..
Saturday, 18 June 2011
Rioting Is a No, No!
Warning. The images below contain violence, and embaressment towards Vancouver. There are millions of people across the world horrified for these so called "fans" of the Canucks. These are NOT fans. Fans wouldn't start a riot because their beloved hockey team lost the Stanley Cup. No. These are stupid, idiotic, and disrespectful people who were wanting a riot. This was planned. Many people have shared links of the 1994 riot when Canucks lost to the Rangers, and they wanted to follow in those people's footsteps.
I have edited most of these pictures with writing and pixelating of the names/pictures of the people on facebook. Note, these people's names weren't origianlly crossed out, they have been caught by the police. But I want to share on how stupid people can be! I will save the best idiots for last!
Also, click the pictures to make them larger!
I have edited most of these pictures with writing and pixelating of the names/pictures of the people on facebook. Note, these people's names weren't origianlly crossed out, they have been caught by the police. But I want to share on how stupid people can be! I will save the best idiots for last!
Also, click the pictures to make them larger!
This idiot, was on the roof for like 3 hours. All he did was yell at the mob.
I don't know if you can see it, but this guy posted his status as:
"Just tasted tear gas for the first time, wow it stings lol"
Yeah, this idiot planned the riot. He posted a youtube video of the 1994 riot and said "Can't wait!"
His status was "Rioting was sweet. Remove friend button the f*ck out of me."
Need I explain the stupidity captured in this photo?
The smoke could be seen from far away...
I cannot wait until this guy is caught! Beating on an old lady (WHO WAS TRYING TO STOP THE MOB!) with a skateboard. How low can you get?
"Maced in the face, hit with a Batton, tear gassed twice, 6 broken fingers, blood everywhere, punched a f*cken pig in the head with riot gear on knocked him to the ground, through the jersey on a burning cop car flipped some cars, burnt some smart cars, burnt some cop cars, I'm on the new...... One word...... History :) :) :))" May I say: Idiot?
The guy in the canucks shirt was caught :)
Go Cops Go!
Stupidity in downtown Vancouver.
I really hoped he burned himself.
You know your tough when you hit a kid.
Just disappointing. Why would so many people enjoy destroying their own homes?
Another facebook admission. He's caught.
I don't know if they're caught but they should be!
I hate this. Poor Sears..
Yet another facebook admission. He was confronted by one of the people in the "Vancouver Riot Pics: Post Your Photos" and he admitted in pushing around the cops.
You know what's fun? Posing infront of a burning car!
"I torched like 7 cars and looted at least 3 different stores"
One of the cars flipped over...
And everyone just watched. DISAPPOINTING!
This rioter (the one holding the whale) is posing while the guy with a trash can is beating on the car. What has the world come to?
My personal favourite. This shows how stupid people can be. WHEN YOU POST SOMETHING ON THE INTERNET IT STAYS THERE FOREVER!
"ha i was in the riot and im leaving vancouver so there not going to find me plus im deleting my self so theyll never find meh ha hahahaha i going going going gone out of this city see yeah the cop wont find me"
She likes her own comment and she has a son. I bet he's proud...
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