Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Big Failure

Okay, obviously my plan of creating a short story on this blog ended up in an epic fail. I don't even think anyone even reads this anymore! Anyways... I was thinking... of continuing two of my stories... I LIKE IT! I got inspired when reading 'Genious and the Jock' a story created by someone online and watching The Dealiest Warrior: Vampires VS. Zombies.
I love vampires, and I hope to create a 'zombie' novel someday... when I eventually finish atleast one of my novels.
I'm going to continue writing 'Nothing but a Dream' for sure and maybe. Just maybe, I will continue 'Forever'.
Also... I have some epically horrible news.
You wanna know what?
It's horrible. For me.
My best guy friend likes me... a lot. For a year and a half now, who knows how long before that! He even liked me while dating a girl for 9 months! I mean, I used to like him before, he was so sweet and kind too me, but... he's also a jerk to a lot of people. I'm just not into those kind of guys. Also... my ex. crush who I am deadly afraid of.. he's so creepy, he still likes me! He sat with me on the bus on the third day of school and I almost freaked out. I just ignored him and looked out the window, and sure enough when I got home and logged onto my facebook; "Bridget, can I tell you something? I like you still.."
My reaction: -___-
Too make matters worse, I like my old best guy friend (we started seperating away from each other once we started high school last year and when I turned him down when he asked me out -Worst. Mistake. Of. My. Life.) and I'm pretty positive he likes this girl... who I highly dislike, because she's stuck up and I hate stuck up people. Well... I hate a lot of people.
I'm a heartless person and I admitted that today and I laughed at myself. I just don't like sucking up too people and I hate pretending I enjoy other's people company, especially when they're a little kid. No offense to anyone who is under the age of 10-ish.
Enough of my pointless rambeling.

If anyone's reading, should I continue NBAD and post it on here?

-Alado... the one who doesn't know what to change her name too


  1. We had this conversation a couple days ago!!!

  2. Alado boo!!! You know I read your blog! Always have and always will! :) And please, continue NBAD. I read it and I like it! :)

  3. Wrong, a couple weeks ago Amber XD

    Berna, calm down, and I love NBAD, I got inspired to continue writing it XD

    And thanks guys <3
