Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Yes... again :P

Okay, I just can't help myself, whenever I have ideas... well I use them! For example, the Silver Crest Ranch blog, that was an idea I had when I was watching a movie with horses.
Well the day before yesterday I was reading the Charlie Bone series and an idea popped into my head. Why not make a Bloor's Academy blog?
The first one I created was last year and only one person joined, Butterflyclaw. It eventually became inactive due to the fact that I had no internet and no one really new about the book series. But low and behold I have become quite the blogger, being way better than I was when I first joined, so I explained it more and this time you can join as whoever you want or a character that is in the books. Trust me, there is a lot to pick from, both good as well as evil.
Well enough of this rambling. If you would like to join, and really, I'd appreciate it, than you can join at this link :)
Bloor's Academy

Thank ya!
-Alado loves Rocky and Colt

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