Saturday, 18 June 2011

Rioting Is a No, No!

Warning. The images below contain violence, and embaressment towards Vancouver. There are millions of people across the world horrified for these so called "fans" of the Canucks. These are NOT fans. Fans wouldn't start a riot because their beloved hockey team lost the Stanley Cup. No. These are stupid, idiotic, and disrespectful people who were wanting a riot. This was planned. Many people have shared links of the 1994 riot when Canucks lost to the Rangers, and they wanted to follow in those people's footsteps.
I have edited most of these pictures with writing and pixelating of the names/pictures of the people on facebook. Note, these people's names weren't origianlly crossed out, they have been caught by the police. But I want to share on how stupid people can be! I will save the best idiots for last!
Also, click the pictures to make them larger!
This idiot, was on the roof for like 3 hours. All he did was yell at the mob.

I don't know if you can see it, but this guy posted his status as:
"Just tasted tear gas for the first time, wow it stings lol"

Yeah, this idiot planned the riot. He posted a youtube video of the 1994 riot and said "Can't wait!"
His status was "Rioting was sweet. Remove friend button the f*ck out of me."

Need I explain the stupidity captured in this photo?

The smoke could be seen from far away...

I cannot wait until this guy is caught! Beating on an old lady (WHO WAS TRYING TO STOP THE MOB!) with a skateboard. How low can you get?

"Maced in the face, hit with a Batton, tear gassed twice, 6 broken fingers, blood everywhere, punched a f*cken pig in the head with riot gear on knocked him to the ground, through the jersey on a burning cop car flipped some cars, burnt some smart cars, burnt some cop cars, I'm on the new...... One word...... History :) :) :))" May I say: Idiot?

The guy in the canucks shirt was caught :)

Go Cops Go!

Stupidity in downtown Vancouver.

I really hoped he burned himself.

You know your tough when you hit a kid.

Just disappointing. Why would so many people enjoy destroying their own homes?

Another facebook admission. He's caught.

I don't know if they're caught but they should be!

I hate this. Poor Sears..

Yet another facebook admission. He was confronted by one of the people in the "Vancouver Riot Pics: Post Your Photos" and he admitted in pushing around the cops.


You know what's fun? Posing infront of a burning car!

"I torched like 7 cars and looted at least 3 different stores"

One of the cars flipped over...

And everyone just watched. DISAPPOINTING!

This rioter (the one holding the whale) is posing while the guy with a trash can is beating on the car. What has the world come to?


My personal favourite. This shows how stupid people can be. WHEN YOU POST SOMETHING ON THE INTERNET IT STAYS THERE FOREVER!
"ha i was in the riot and im leaving vancouver so there not going to find me plus im deleting my self so theyll never find meh ha hahahaha i going going going gone out of this city see yeah the cop wont find me"
She likes her own comment and she has a son. I bet he's proud...


  1. Amber{Sharpstone}18 June 2011 at 19:15


    I heard about the riot on the news! OMG some people in the world are really stupid...posting things on FaceBook and such. Don't they know whatever you put online stays there FOREVER!!!

  2. It was horrible! The game didn't even end when the riot started! It was planned and like I stated before these aren't at all, Canucks fans!
    I was actually disgusted in how many people contributed in the riot and at the people who didn't try to stop it or just didn't simply walk away. They've set a horrible image for Vancouver.
    I mean the Olympics made Vancouver's status very high and with that "small" riot it ended up, nearly plummeting.
    Depressing, it is.

  3. 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0

    horrified just horrified why would people do this?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!

    I hope lots of people get put in jail this is just HORRID! Im in shock i think...

  4. I think the day this happened, the next day, at like 5am thety already had 113 tips and now they are at 15,000 +

  5. Wow, that is really sad. It's really upsetting to see people do stupid things like this and just destroy their own city. What's wrong with the world?

  6. The guy in picture 4 has been caught! :)
    I've no idea, but there was A LOT of upset people who saw the images of the riot, I'm glad people are getting arrested and some are still in school!!
