Okay, as you may know I am first nations. Meaning... well I don't want to get into that since well, I don't really know how to explain it myself. But anyways most schools in Canada... or well, where I live anyways, have totem poles. My uncle, who's a carver made one for my elementary school, but it was before I went there, and he also made one for my middle school last year and I sort of helped...but working with tools scare me since I was carving with my friend and she cut herself and needed stiches. My uncle also made one for my high school (weird how he's following me in my school years, eh? XD). He made it a couple weeks ago and they set it up in the front of the school, there's two. One that represents my grandma, I never knew her she died before I was born, and the other represents my grandpa, he's amazing, but I don't see him often. Anyways my day started off with me arriving at school, missing class to go to the gym and chill with my aunties and uncles and cousins while we waited for the Totem Pole Raising Ceremony and than it started. It was long and actually pretty boring since I've been to tons and in the end I had to pick up the blankets and give 'em away. Pretty boring. LOL. Anyways after that I went out side for a bit and really did nothing but watch the totem pole be set up. It was small and it didn't take long to stand up, maybe a whole five minutes? Lol, after that I had to set up a for our school carnival. Canada Day in May. My both was called "T-Shirt Decorating" pretty amazing, eh? ;D And I got to miss school alllll day and I was allowed to go home an hour earlier than the rest of the students, well this was for all Leadership students from grade 9-12. Though, me being a total idiot, didn't know this so I ended up staying until the school ended. Though it was fine, all I did was hangout in my Leadership teacher's class, eat jellybeans and Peach rings and listened to "Breakeven" by The Script. It was pretty fun I guess. Well, that was my Friday. My Saturday... erm, today was boring. Really. ALSO NEW BLOG!! (I know, I know, I know! I make too many!)
Also, the pictures are:
1st Pic: First Nations totem poles. No I don't know who made them.
2nd Pic: My cousin. My uncles son, he helped carve the totem pole at my school and that's him holding a brick carving we Sumas FN members are proud of ;)
I FIGURED OUT HOW TO EXPLAIN MY CULTURE!! I'm sure you guys must know Pocahontas, or atleast the dDisney version of her. Well that is me. Though I don't wear deer skinned clothing, and I don't walk bear foot and stuff like that and I don't live in teepees, so don't ask XD But yeah, basically that's what First Nation basically is. :)
ReplyDeleteIf you still don't know who she is:
Also, like her, I don't believe in a God, and Grandma Willow, or whatever she's called is basically "The Creator" or "Mother Earth" and that's what I believe in, just a little info about my heritage! :D Thank you Pocahontas for making my explination a whole lot easier XD
Atheist! High five! :D School's a drag, no change there :P
ReplyDeleteHahahaha, I know. BUT I only have... 28 days left, and that's including the weekends ;D
ReplyDeleteHaha. Two more weeks for me P: So....FOURTEEN DAYS~!
ReplyDeleteLucky! Though I don't want to leave my friends, and my best guy friend doesn't go on facebook so much and he doesn't have a phone so we can't talk over the summer :P
ReplyDeleteAwww.... ><
ReplyDeleteAnd I got my phone taken away. Curse my mom and her wretched list of chores! >_<