Friday, 13 May 2011

Catch Up!

Hahaha, the post title reminds me of something. In class we just finished a novel study, "In the Heat of the Night" it's about racism, prejudice, and... murder. Dun dun duuuuun. Lol. But in the book instead of spelling "ketchup" they spell it the other way. "catsup". It confused a lot of my classmates... my English class is FULL of delinquents.. and yes it's true. They are either pot-heads, they skip class, or they are the trouble makers. There are decent people like my newest friend Anna. She's pree chill ;). Anyways... My kitten, Shade, just got stung by a wasp... O.o
LOL, that made me laugh. Like I was saying. Anyways I've noticed that a lot of girls are dressing... skimpy. Girls! Guys will like you for who you are and not what you try to be! Well... the guys who aren't pigs. Well.. I've nothing else to say besides I have a new blog.
School of Shadows that you can join @
Yes, I do need more joiners :3
Also... I really actually don't have anything to say.. OH WAIT! I'm not grounded anymore :)